I neve thought this would happein to someone i know!



Mopars an Heavy Metal
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Burney Ca.
Sorry to post this hear guys but i don't know who else to talk to really.

Last night at 3:30am i recieved one of the worst phone calls i've ever had. It was a very close friend of mine hysterically crying and having an anxiety attack. It took me 30 mins of calming her down before she told me what was wrong. She'd been raped by 5 men at a bar/club about 25mins from here!!!! She left the group she was with to walk to her car and the 5 men surrounded her and began to rape her. They cut her hands and burned her with cigarettes while they did it. I was horrified to hear this! I immediately told her i was taking her to the hospital and that i'd be right over. But just minutes after i said that, two of her friends stopped at her house and they took her instead. She called me around 8am to tell me she was gonna be ok and that she was being transferred to another hospital. I haven't heard from her since.

Im so filled up with rage and hurt and who knows what else. I don't know how to deal with this. It's been eating me up soo much inside. I really want to see her and talk to her but i can't get ahold of her or anyone with her.

Sorry if this shouldn't be posted here but i just need to vent or talk. Im not really sure. If this needs to be removed feel free.
Hey White give me a call around noon tomarrow. Ill PM you the Number. Well Talk about this. I know exactly what your going through.
Hey man I know what your goin though to I have 2 of my close freinds raped about a block from my house.on hallowen about 2 years ago. If I would have know what was goin on I probably would be the one in jail right now. I know how you feel with the rage I spent days looking for the guys. Kinda glad I never found em.
Thanks alot guys. Your words do mean alot.

She actually just called me! She's home and doing ok. They ran a million and half tests on her and checked for the the usual things. She filed a report and the detective sat with her the entire time through the exam. They went back to the parking lot where it happend and had a crime scene blocked off and were investigating. They found plenty of evidence and are working on leads now. I feel alot better about everything now. One of the friends who took her to the Hospital is still with her at her house. So i told her if she needs company or someone to talk to im here. And to not hesitate to call me no matter when.
Sorry to hear about your friend.

So i told her if she needs company or someone to talk to im here. And to not hesitate to call me no matter when.

I think being supportive is the best thing you can do right now. She needs to know this was not her fault. Hopefully the scumbags that did this will be caught and go to jail where they will get equal or even worse treatment from the other inmates.
Sorry about your friend. Hope they catch the people responsable.
Years ago, a girl I had recently broken up with was raped. She was upset (obviously), I was pissed beyond belief.

I call the boys.
We found the guy.
'Nuff said.

So i told her if she needs company or someone to talk to im here. And to not hesitate to call me no matter when.

Good! Be there for her, if she needs you.
i know exactly how you feel. enough said there.

it happened in the last month and the best thing that you can do right now is be avaliable to talk whenever and like it was said above make sure they know that it wasn't their fault.
Sad news. I really hope they get caught and 'trip and fall' a few times on the way to prison! You are a good freind to be there for her. To be so trusted is a sign of your character. :salut:

I've had to handle calls from a friend of mine that thought her husband was cheating on her. The night she actually found out he was and called was almost overwhelming for me. I can only imagine how you felt!! :pale:

Shes doning better now,shes talking to my mom an my girlfriend right now,im giving up my bed for her an my girlfriend to sleep in tonight,she doesnt feel like being at her house alone so shes staying with me for the week,its really hard to even think about has happiend to her,iv known her almost all my life so its hard to think about that thing happiening to someone close to u,where doing alot better now,its just going day buy day with lots of comfort for her!Thanks agian guys
I'd wanna kill the bast@ards.

Best thing you can do is try and comfort her like everyone has said, and help prove to her all men aren't arsecracks.