I stopped to pick up a speed bump on my way home from work......



Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
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He was trying to to cross a busy road, hopefully he can avoid traffic in my yard.

1st turtle of 2019 2.JPG
I think you get passes on other questionable stuff you may have been involved in during your life, when you save animals.
I was just reading about a driver in SC who got a snapper through his windshield. It had been kicked up by a truck.
That's pretty cool. Kitty and try to do that too when we see one in the road. Unless the traffic is very heavy, I will get out and make sure it has safe passage across.
SUPER common to see them trying to cross in FL.

Lots of folks do stop and help them.

usually get a thumbs up or two, even another motorist stopping and giving thanks.

Once in a great while there are dicks.

I've been standing roadside, waiting for traffic, with most folks slowing down and driving around them and had an *** hat deliberately run them over.

Those folks get a special room in "the other place".
Awesome. Box turtles are great & their shell coloration is off the charts. Looks like you have a male there as his eye iris appears to be red. A females would be grey.
Thanks for the rescue.:thumbsup:
I was not aware of the eye color difference, thanks!

I do see one every so often on my property & I always walk the grounds before mowing, so hopefully he does well around here.
I have a friend who saves turtles, I grew up with his family and worked with his brother Joe and sister Lola. Turtles were catching my ducks on a small pond i had and he and my uncle caught them and relocated them. His name is Ernie Brown, better known as the turtle man. I'm sure some of y'all have seen the show he used to have.
I get turtles migrating through my yard occasionally.
Garter snakes.
Lots of frogs. Late this year.
I have a friend who saves turtles, I grew up with his family and worked with his brother Joe and sister Lola. Turtles were catching my ducks on a small pond i had and he and my uncle caught them and relocated them. His name is Ernie Brown, better known as the turtle man. I'm sure some of y'all have seen the show he used to have.
Yup, I use to watch it all the time.
Certain times of year, frogs cross a road here in droves. Thousands.
Its sad so many get run over.

Narcisse manitoba has snake pits,all harmless garter snakes.
Tens of thousands of them.
There are underground crissings for them under the highway.
SUPER common to see them trying to cross in FL.

Lots of folks do stop and help them.

usually get a thumbs up or two, even another motorist stopping and giving thanks.

Once in a great while there are dicks.

I've been standing roadside, waiting for traffic, with most folks slowing down and driving around them and had an *** hat deliberately run them over.

Those folks get a special room in "the other place".
Yeah. They better watch out for the karma bus!
I always save them. I saw one while I was driving home a few years ago, swung the van around, ran out, scooped the turtle, rushed it to the other side and got back to the van just as traffic started to whizz by. There was a group of people on a porch cheering, it was super funny
I do the same help the turtles cross the road, brake for squirrels and rabbits.
Occasionally I also have to relocate a snake from either in, or from around the house to the woods out back.
We love our critters and MOPARS!!
Except for the buggers that ate part of my build sheet and set up shop in the rockers and frame rails!!!
Those my friend are different and DON'T get a free pass here either!!
We have three owls that have called home in the trees out back for years. With them we have little to no mice problems.
We have a 1-1 1/2 acre pond with several soft shell turtles, some over 20 lbs. We feed them along with our fish everyday.
We have snapper's in the ponds around here, soft Shell's only in the rivers. Lots of the box turtles around also.
I was fallowing a stranger in a road runner one day in my Dart. I saw something come out from under his car and I managed to miss it then turn around and check it out. It was a fairly big snapper. The road runners oil pan got him and his shell was cracked and he couldn’t move his legs. I didn’t let the meat go to waste though.
I was fallowing a stranger in a road runner one day in my Dart. I saw something come out from under his car and I managed to miss it then turn around and check it out. It was a fairly big snapper. The road runners oil pan got him and his shell was cracked and he couldn’t move his legs. I didn’t let the meat go to waste though.
Reminds me of a like story. Back in about 1988, I was on duty as a F/F with Tampa Fire Dept. We responded to a old folks home high rise fire alarm that turned out to be a false alarm. As we were getting in the elevator to verify it. This resident steps in the elevator and asks can she and her cat ride up with us. I tell her "Sure come on in, I love cats, they taste like chicken" I'm here to tell you she came alive and was pissed off. We tried to convince her I was kidding, but she wanted my name and she was going to have my job! I was called down town to the third floor and had a face to face with THE Fire Chief, He chewed me out and then laughed his *** off.
I do the same help the turtles cross the road, brake for squirrels and rabbits.
Occasionally I also have to relocate a snake from either in, or from around the house to the woods out back.
We love our critters and MOPARS!!
I'm with you on everything EXCEPT those damned tree rats called squirrels. I go out of my way to get rid of those nasty critters ever since they chewed up a 2k wiring harness in my RV. can you say traps, poison, 22? yup use em all against the nasty things. I've thinned out the population on my 3 ac of land and hope to keep em away from me!