I think there will be more of this:(

It says he hadn't paid the mortgage for over four years - that's during good times. And he fired on the officers for serving papers to evict him? Good times or bad, this guy was nuts.
The economy is going to crap and your right we will start seeing more of this kind of actions.
People who live in the area call the homeowner an "unstable" man. They say he has a history of threatening to blow up the canyon where he lives and shooting neighbors.

The guy was a fruit from the get-go, he made his own problems.
See more of what? Crazy people shoting at cops? Ya I think you are right. But then again crazy people allways used to shoot at cops. I don't see why they should stop now.
We used to put crazy people in mental hospitals. However, the enlightened have determined that the crazies have the right to to their thing amongst the normal citizenry.