I think......

Thanks for the kind words yall. I also appreciate the offers to buy intake gaskets. lol But we'll have the money Wednesday. The money isn't really what this is about. It's the frustration. Obviously, if I have people offering to buy gaskets for my DD, I certainly have no business trying to build cars on our budget. It's simply not in the cards for me anymore and the sooner I come to that realization, the better and easier it will be.

When all of you got together on my benefit auction, yall gave to help Kitty and I get some debt off of us. And I did that. Yall may not know it, but you kept us from really sinking. Although barely, we have a little daylight now, because of all of you. I cannot have this expensive hobby on the side dragging us back into the abyss. I cannot allow that to happen.

As for the carburetor thing.......my offer on that still stands. I want to help my friends and I like building carburetors. But, because of my truck tearing up, I am further behind than I ever was. I already have four to do. The first is cleaned up and at the point of assembly. Just know I WILL get them done. I am just slower than normal right now. I hope yall understand. Thanks.

I'm in no hurry for mine Rob. Praying things work out for you bud. I'm sorry you no longer enjoy it per say. More than happy to listen if you want to talk.
well honestly dude, I don't contribute much in this place, what I do is take, I take a lot. I've gotten information from you and others when you guys take the time to answer questions for other people. you may or may not have been talking to me directly but I still got the answer none the less. I understand what you're saying I understand your position I only hope that things shake out for you the way you want them to. you and AbodyJoe have anin your face no bullshit way of answering someone's question. some folks need that othersuch as myself appreciate that. I guess what I'm trying to say is whatever your decision I hope that you choose to stay on and continue to guide some people with their problems questions and ideas. your input and that of others is invaluable around here.

Well said
I have also taken so much from your posts on here rusty, Like mentioned above just thin the herd a bit to get by. You may want to get out of the hobby, but the hobby won't let you. Its more of a lifelong addiction lol. Just remember, karma always pays off. You have helped us all so much on here, I am sure the boomerang is coming back your way.
I can understand the frustration. At 47 I am still in good shape but I still get a random back strain 1 to 2 times a year. Each time, It seems like a window to my future where I am unable to be limber enough to bend, stoop, crouch and roll around under these cars. It is actually both scary and sad for me to think of.
I read here the 30+ responses from people that know and appreciate your efforts. I wish you luck in whatever you choose. Years ago Anthony Hopkins declared that he was through with acting and was calling it quits. It turned out he was simply going through some personal issues and he worked them out. Sorta apples and oranges, but even the greats have to deal with adversity. I'm sure you are strong enough to keep the fight.
There ya go with the thinkin stuff. Now stop doin it before the fire department gets called. Lol just kindin. I second everyone's motion to atleast stay around the forum and keep posting your abundance of knowledge please.
Hey, Rob, for what it's worth;

I've torn the engine in Amy's Scamp apart twice over, now. I'm capable, had enough money, but it was between checks to get everything ready to go, and the engine is still currently apart and I've felt like throwing in the towel.

My mom wrecked my first car that I worked min. wage for ('68 Charger) and I never got to drive it. I still have the car, over a decade and a half later.

The shop I work in is a POS. Holes in the wall, literally. No insulation and it's hot. My friend, who is also Amy's cousin who has been working with us for over a year was laid off, because we are slow. It's like a library, working by myself in the shop, now.

Today, it was enough of a chore to rewire the switch to the swamp cooler, when I came home from a 90 degree shop to an 85 degree house, climbing on the roof, checking it a dozen times...

The last f-n thing I want to do right now is work on a car, even though I should.

So, you know what? I'm not going to. I'm going to take the time to chill out (literally) and take a break from this crap.

Sometimes, even if it's not for a short run, it's best to turn the volume down, rather than just turn everything off. There were times when I actively posted ads for my Charger in the newspaper to sell it, because I was sick of it for many reasons, but I still have it, because I know it's worth it.

You have your options in front of you. Something you could do is sacrifice one project for another.

The reason I'd suggest that above all is because it's bogus to have projects and not get to enjoy your interests with those around you. I know all too well and I've seen other members here preaching the same thing. Nobody wants to do anything, when they are debilitated by money, health, help, etc, but the spark keeps igniting, because they want to be a part of it. It's hard to do that, when you don't have a car that is going. I think that's some of the reason we are here, honestly. It's like being at a pool party in a wheelchair.

You need to have something to look forward to that is within your reach, if you want to continue. I know you are interested in your cars. There is no doubt there, even if you get sick of it, the interest is still there, you just need to figure this hurdle out.

Even if it means you sell the Coronet or sell the hemi... There is always a way to get something going in your life.

I'm at a point in my life, where I've realized that cars are not money pits, unless I spread it out over multiple projects and expect to pull $$$ out of nowhere.

Get everything together with work first. Take care of you and yours, then let your hobbies pay for themselves. If I didn't do that, I'd be surviving and that's it. It feels like that, even now, with the two steps forward, one back, that I've been taking.

Try letting one thing go to free up some time, space and money, then go from there.
I think, your thinking too much, quit thinking!! I enjoy your imput in every thread.
Wise words spoken here. Rob,you have a incredible amount of knowledge and talent. It can get frustrating as hell.
Maybe take a step back and take stock of where your interests really are. Don't let DD situation dictate your possible interest in the hobby! DD's are always gonna suck money and provide no pleasure!!

If you find yourself spending time here on FABO, you still have an interest in Mopars IMO! Maybe not the all out redo anymore, but you are still a valuable asset to the hobby! Maybe sell what you have and find a nice cheap runner you can just enjoy? Something to bring a little excitement to the garage! Who knows?

You gotta do what you know is best for you and Kitty, but that doesn't mean that you can't continue to enjoy the hobby, and who knows what's around the next bend!!!! Geof
As a newbie to all things Mopar, I appreciate all of your years of loving your cars and the culture and your wealth of knowledge.

I'm QUICKLY learning the frustrating part of not having enough money for my ONE project car. I'm just sticking with "I'll do what I can, when I can." I, fortunately, have a brand new daily driver so I don't have to worry about getting around.

Good luck to you and your family!!!!
Rob, I've known ya for a long time and you have helped me big time over the years and taught me alot. Even when we were squabbling. And I owe ya big time. But I can't lie and say I didn't see this coming when you said it to me last night. It killed me inside a little to see you say "I'm gonna get rid of everything" but I knew it was coming between your health being a constant snowball and your budget being an ever-narrowing constraint. I know from what all you have told me and what we have talked about that its not in the cards at the moment and trying to jump the hurdles just to make it work is just tripping you up more. I know one day you will just have another project in your driveway, but it will be one singular project most likely. I really wanted to see you complete your rat rod as I know that is a big goal of yours and has been for a while but its the furthest from completion. I hope things magically turn around for you, but I know in all honesty, things don't work that way as sad as that is and as much as that brings a tear to my eye. You know I will always talk to ya buddy and I will always try and help in some sort of way. Here's to ya buddy. One of the most knowledgeable guys I know. Even if you don't have a car to tinker with, you will always be helping me tinker with my chit somehow. Hell, I'll let you borrow my junk to work on it if it makes ya happy lmao.
Rob, this thread wants to make me come down to Georgia and have a beer with ya before I haul off and slap the mopar bug back into ya!
