I want an evilstick.



Garage Trash
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Lakewood, CO
If you know of one at a nearby store or have one, hit me up.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCngEpkOLI"]'Evil Stick' wand toy for toddlers reveals picture of a young girl slitting her wrists with knife - YouTube[/ame]

I've got nothing better to do with my money.
Yall both are just sick. ...and not in a good way.
Thats just plain out sick..... and WE wonder why our kids grow up and are messed up..... its not Buggz Bunny, or the Luney Tunes, they all MADE SENSE, its this **** right here that does our kids in and then screw up their lives......
Remember the "Speak and Spell" that would pronounce F-*-C-K if you spelled it out?

They recalled those, but then you could type F-U-Q, so then they recalled those.
Censorship didn't keep the poor people from getting scalded by McDonald's terrible coffee. You've got stupidity to thank for that one.

If I had an Evilstick when I was a brat, I would have had plenty of good, healthy laughs with it, between my brothers and I.


Because my mom didn't suck at raising us.

There are enough people taking life seriously, that it allows sickos like me to enjoy it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7cY5hwmvX0"]Slayer - Angel of Death (Banjo cover w/ solos) - YouTube[/ame]

Shameless plug, again, for my craigslist wanted ad;


All inquiries are welcome, including any hate mail.
My wife has mentioned I have one evilstick and no need for toys!! I am always scared she might turn the tables on me and try the toys on me!!! SCARY thought!
Who the F markets a toy to 3 year olds called "Evil" anything?

Who the F buys their 3 year old anything called "Evil..."??
Banjo Slayer= AWE-SOME!
Hilarious... you gotta show it to me when you get it.

Who would willingly decide to carry those anyway? Must be a joke
Its legit.

I went with Broderick up to a dollar store over by Westland, near the Harbor Freight on west Colfax.

Allegedly, they had some, pulled them and had them behind the counter. We got there, only to find the girl who is friends with Broderick actually changed shifts, and the manager who came in after her tossed them.

My first thought was to check the dumpsters behind the complex, over by Sears, but they were empty.

The truth of the matter behind this atrocity, is that the Chinese marketing awareness within the manufacturing is practically non-existent.

You have to remember, they are in the same industrial boom that we were in, 35-50 years ago and they make EVERYTHING, only without any internal communication and absolutely no quality control on anything price-point geared, like this piece of crap. So it doesn't surprise me that among all of the Halloween seasonal crap that was being shoveled over here by the drove, along with the typical, low budget toys with horrid misspelling all over the packaging, that something like this would appear.

You also have to remember that the United States has much stricter social rules on what is acceptable to the general public.

Case in point;


Also, if anyone finds any engrish, like the above disaster mickey mouse shirt, I collect it and have mopar stuff for trade. lol
I used to hang on to stuff like that when it crossed my path.

One of my favorites was during the "ipod" craze.

A friend of my brother in law picked up a case of Chinese knock-offs, thinking he was going to make a killing selling them at the flea market.

They were called "IP-OD" and NO ONE in either family, including two IT guys and two professional mechanics could get them to play any video besides the demo, or figure out how to upload any other media.

The instruction book was 20 pages long and seemed to have pages with seemingly random technical sounding words on them.

Something like- "1- when adjustment to player necessary to be found be sure the adjustment to player adjust is made before being necessary to adjust 1-2-3".

None of the buttons seemed to do anything except play and pause the sample video.

I suspect it was a cheap single function chip with an embedded video, and that's all it was!


One of my favorite things that ever came out of a toy that I found was this gem;


Also, I'm upping the antie on my search;


Please be sure to check the link. I'm almost positive that the sweater is printed with diamond dust. I've been told that it could give me magical singing powers. So far, the tight collar has only given me a cluster headache behind my left eye. Not sure if that's the magic power kicking in.
I have a lucky astrology mood watch....

and a fur lined sink....
I love the Neil Diamond sweater!! AND the coffee cup.....AND Mickey Mouse....too frickin funny!! LOL lemme know if you wanna sell them Dave...