I was not going to share this

wow I thought you done woop'd on someone at the bar when I 1st saw that pic of yer hand.lol

continue to take it easy and you'll be good, I bet it was a dance she'll never forget.
:toothy10: I sure will crazyguy :happy10:
Her husband came over on my side of the table and thanked me for seeing his wife enjoy dancing again, he said he don't dance and it made his night seeing his wife have a great time and told me Mickeal J had nothing on me :toothy10:, I was a couples disco dancer back in the day and enjoyed seeing amazement in some folks eyes last Saturday night :happy10:
They all stood and applauded our time on the little dance floor all alone :happy10:
Earth Wind and fire was a top shelf for me back in the day goldfish


I better get moving and get my day started, Thank you for all the very nice words here folks, I am still waiting to be poked at for this Disco days I enjoyed :-D
You knew i'd chime in here old buddy. Let's get this straight now. Was it "John 'MeMike' Travolta" or was it "Mike 'JT' Slayter"? How high were the heels on your shoes? Did you wear the really tight pants?....NO dont show pictures. DISCO? I use to hang at some of those places. My big dance was always the "Hot Charlie". Love to see two that can really make it mesh. By the sounds of things they should have named you "SLAYER" instead of Slater. Sounds like you Slayed a few women in your time. You devil you. A little pain wont kill ya as long as you have some fun to show for it. You'll have to see the new Dart. Disco? I do like the Bee Gees and KC and the SSB along with many others. You Disco? I just thought i knew MeMike......
Small Block
Congratulations Bill :cheers: I just seen that you are a Dart GT rag top owner
I can't wait to drive up and see yall again and your new rag top=P~=P~
You got me pegged bud, almost two inches taller in my stacks "shoes"
And I stayed single till I was 22 :-D,
The owner of the club here in Jonesboro was from Memphis and brought in two very hot and talented babes and before they opened he had the two of them and I rehears a dance that took everyone by surprise =P~
I had to walk off the dance floor behind one so I could hide my self :toothy10:
Thanks Memike for uploading those classics. Those are some great stories you have too. C'mon guys it's ok to admit it if you like disco. Though I have to say when you hear it on today's digital recordings it loses a certain richness you get from a vinyl record and big speakers.

Anyone else have some good ones?
Well ol' buddy, looks like your dancin' days may be over, but that's alright, your best days are still ahead!!! I didn't see this thread until tonight or you would've gotten a special treat from Nella today, but alas, she's in bed now. She had a busy weekend, her horse riding program had their big annual event last night and she did a little Memike imitation out on the dance floor herself. Man, she's light on her wheels!!! I volunteered to cater the entire event, and also my band played as the entertainment so we all were pretty tired. Nella actually stayed until 10:30p.m., so that tells you what a good time she had!!! She's also missed 3 days of school this past week so she had a lot of homework, so we spent the day hammering out her big book report, in between naps of course!!! I hope Treva's taking as good care of you and the pups as you take of her, and I hope that you are back up to 100% soon.

When Nella get's home from school tomorrow, we're gonna have a little surprise for you, if I can talk her into it. I'm not tellin' you what it is, but let me just say that if she'll do it for anybody, it would be you. Especially when she hears you got a booboo!!! Take care my friend, and take it easy from now on. We can't have our Memike less than 100%. Geof and Nella(she's the one snoring)
memike, Great story and glad to hear you're feeling better.

Take it easy and no disco dancin' for a little while, but sometimes memories like that are for a lifetime and worth the pain! Living in the moment....:cheers:
I been gone all weekend long, glad to see you are doin better. I'm glad ya had fun dancin... I'm a poster child for the non-dancin white boy so don't worry bout me bustin yur chop's :cheers:
Thanks Memike for uploading those classics. Those are some great stories you have too. C'mon guys it's ok to admit it if you like disco. Though I have to say when you hear it on today's digital recordings it loses a certain richness you get from a vinyl record and big speakers.

Anyone else have some good ones?
Thank you goldfish :happy10: And you are welcome, I think we have more here but they are going to stay in the closet :-D

Well ol' buddy, looks like your dancin' days may be over, but that's alright, your best days are still ahead!!! I didn't see this thread until tonight or you would've gotten a special treat from Nella today, but alas, she's in bed now. She had a busy weekend, her horse riding program had their big annual event last night and she did a little Memike imitation out on the dance floor herself. Man, she's light on her wheels!!! I volunteered to cater the entire event, and also my band played as the entertainment so we all were pretty tired. Nella actually stayed until 10:30p.m., so that tells you what a good time she had!!! She's also missed 3 days of school this past week so she had a lot of homework, so we spent the day hammering out her big book report, in between naps of course!!! I hope Treva's taking as good care of you and the pups as you take of her, and I hope that you are back up to 100% soon.

When Nella get's home from school tomorrow, we're gonna have a little surprise for you, if I can talk her into it. I'm not tellin' you what it is, but let me just say that if she'll do it for anybody, it would be you. Especially when she hears you got a booboo!!! Take care my friend, and take it easy from now on. We can't have our Memike less than 100%. Geof and Nella(she's the one snoring)
Thank you Geof :cheers: Nella must have had a great time like you said to stay up till that time of night :happy10:
No more dancing for me, Last week was the worst one in a long time, But all is well and I took some time and walked around at he drag strip Sunday
HAY Nella :wave::hello1::hello2: I am feeling much better now :toothy4:
Your Arkansas Valentine Mike S. :love7:

memike, Great story and glad to hear you're feeling better.

Take it easy and no disco dancin' for a little while, but sometimes memories like that are for a lifetime and worth the pain! Living in the moment....:cheers:
I sure will 6pk C :happy10: They have me on film some where and that will be my last night of dancing like that 8), But now the young guns and the other folks got to see me at my best :happy10:

I been gone all weekend long, glad to see you are doin better. I'm glad ya had fun dancin... I'm a poster child for the non-dancin white boy so don't worry bout me bustin yur chop's :cheers:
:toothy7: Thank you Wag's I am dun with that kind of dancing , Treva will make sure of that 8)

Sounds like it is time for a FABO "Dancing with the Cars" show!:cheers:
Feel better Mikey.
You so funny Sparky :toothy10: If there is a "Dancing with the Cars" I will set back and be a judge :happy10:

Mike it looks like Artie came to visit and stayed a while. Take care of yourself ya' silly old coot - NO MORE DISCO! :)
I promise Sid 8) No more of that kind of dancing ever again, Treva had an ol grump around here for a few days :profilel: But after a slow walk around at the drag strip yesterday I am up to par now :cheers:
Glad to hear you're getting back on track Mike - no pun intended. :)
Thank you sid 8) I took this picture just for you at the track yesterday bud :bootysha:

GEORGE RAYS 2010 041.jpg
Take care ole buddy, I understand fully as I'm a few years your senior. Sure is hell when your mind and heart stall young and the ole body cant handle what we want to dish out. LOL Now of course if ya hadn't had that shot and a few brews nothing probably would have happened. Appreciate your spirt friend and your obvious adoration and devotion to your dear Treava. Sure would one day somehow meet both of you. I'm toasting one for ya Mike.
Im glad you are feeling better Bud! Hang in there and enjoy your dog and the sunshine. I love that dog and would have adopted him too!
Take care ole buddy, I understand fully as I'm a few years your senior. Sure is hell when your mind and heart stall young and the ole body cant handle what we want to dish out. LOL Now of course if ya hadn't had that shot and a few brews nothing probably would have happened. Appreciate your spirt friend and your obvious adoration and devotion to your dear Treava. Sure would one day somehow meet both of you. I'm toasting one for ya Mike.
Thank you 71 Dart, It sure would be nice to see you 8) You are most likely right if I did not have a shot of young gun juice 8) But know I am glad I did :cheers:

Thanks Mike. :cheers: I always wondered what happened to that cousin. :toothy7:
LMAO Sid, He made me think of ya bud :happy10:

Im glad you are feeling better Bud! Hang in there and enjoy your dog and the sunshine. I love that dog and would have adopted him too!
Thank you 8) He sure is growing and poops and eats like a baby 8) He is showing me he likes learning and is settled right in here at home and now leaves my little Malteze alone 8)