I went to Chat.......

hardly ever on fabo anymore,when I have come on and went to chat it was always a ghost town.used to enjoy being on here almost every night.
hardly ever on fabo anymore,when I have come on and went to chat it was always a ghost town.used to enjoy being on here almost every night.

agree w/ the bomber, I type too slow to keep up !:banghead:
Winter time is coming, I image people will
find more time to go there.
This right here is why chat died. We'd rather banter back and forth here like a bunch of clowns.
well I am glad some peeps are interesting in bringing chat back .....I always felt bad that Mr. Joey gave us a new chat room and no one uses it.

The old one was hacked if you recall and there is no way it can come back even if we do miss it ( I do) Mr. Joey went out of his way to replace it.

I would be in there right now but I am busy with something but maybe catch some peeps soon
If I knew when there would be some people in there, I would stop in and chat a little... (If I could get it to work on my computer...) [Hopefully just a java update will get me in...]
This right here is why chat died. We'd rather banter back and forth here like a bunch of clowns.

What else is it good for? I've never seen a chat room that didn't go to that, eventually.
In fact, most of the boards visit have chat, and inevitably, they all "go to banter" eventually.

Boards about cars, engines, planes, music, politics, trains, Model railroading, guns, diesels, Photography, etc...
They're "hobby sites". People, friends, get together and eventually the friendship, familiarity, mutual experiences, and differences, and even tempers become the discussion.

With people popping in and out, some contributing, some learning, some instigating...
It just happens over time.
IMO, it's just the natural progression of things in "chat". Might take weeks, months, or even years, but, that seems to be just how it goes. I suppose there are some exceptions, but I haven't seen any.

I don't normally participate in "chat", but I do often read them.
They often get too confusing, Who is responding to to whom, the lack of sequencing, and the contradictions, It's like an uncontrolled conversation with out faces to reference.
Young people seem to enjoy it, though.
This right here is why chat died. We'd rather banter back and forth here like a bunch of clowns.
What's the difference then from the chat room and the threads? Someone starts a thread and asks for advice, or offers some information that they discovered, and by the 2nd page it's a full out war.
I had a great conversation in the chat room the other night, and enjoyed it. Thick skin can help, and so can a cup of humor.... Not just here at FABO..... but in life! Or a person can choose to live life offended...