Ice Storm .. Big fat bummer !!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Guess I'm gonna have to lower the asking price :angry7: .. Tree snapped from the ice and came down pretty hard on the old girl ... She WAS in nice shape for an '84


Gosh... I really hate that for you ... Home insurance cover it or maybe did you have the truck insured?
Nope, the agent said there's no coverage, as this truck is unregistered, and we took it off the policy ..
Sorry about the old horse.
All we got here in Trumbull was a ****-load of rain. I can't believe your pictures!
Hope it works out with the truck.

Thanks guys, appreciate the thoughts ... Fortunately, it's just a piece of machinery .. Thank God no one was hurt, and we still got our 12,000 gallons of milk picked up safely today .. I was stupid to leave it parked there, shoulda known better ..

George, it was freaky up here !! About 2 miles from the house there was nothing but rain, but THEY lost power most of the night and ours stayed on.. Lot's of limbs down.. One pushed the telephone wires to the ground and they came up and trimmed it all.. It's real windy now, and the ice in the trees didn't melt, so I expect there's gonna be a lot more trees down .. I'll post up some more pictures..

Very pretty but dang, sorry to see what it did to your truck. It's great that you can see the beauty of it even though it hurt you financialy.
We had a bad one here in 94. I had no power for 8 days, and my son was only an infant! It certainly changed my priorities for a few days: 1. find wood to burn in fireplace to keep house warm 2. Find food. At least with our ice storm, the temperature rose into the 40s after the first day. I understand in NE the temps may be single digits. No heat and single digit temps will mean a LOT of burst pipes and damage. Best of luck to everyone affected by the storm.
Ken, thats incredible.
It is as calm as can be here right now.
I heard the overnight low is supposed to be 18º so that ice will still be there in the morning. Be careful of falling limbs while driving. Tell the MRS too. Lots of people killed in their cars from falling tree limbs after an ice storm.

i wish you guys the best thru this. Hard to believe im going on a bike rally tommorrow. Be safe,I care about every one of my mopar brothers
Sorry to see that damage to the truck!
some ice to start with here then about 10" of snow, Got the ramcharger with the plow stuck! oh well.
Didn't the news say 1 million people without power? Last winter we were without power for a week. I went out yesterday and changed the oil in my genereator just in case.
Love the Homer Simpson thing ... One of my brothers actually said that when he saw the truck..

I dunno about the million people w/o power, maybe for a while? I do know that up in Colebrook, Winchester, Norfolk and even the other side of my town there are still folks with no power...

This one was almost as bad as the one we had in November of 2002 .. It's starting to warm up a little today and the trees are raining ice .. Need to wear a helmet just to get the mail !! Some of them, like the birches, are still loaded with ice and the tops are touching the ground !!
My homeowners insurance covers unregistered vehicles. I would check with them.

Ya know, someone else mentioned that yesterday, and I'm gonna make a call in the morning.. The same agent handles my homeowners and truck insurance, and I talked to the truck insurance girl Friday .. Definitely worth another phone call..

