I'm crying because I'm broke...

Ahh, don't cry! Remember; "Once you've hit rock-bottom, there's nowhere to go but UP".
Yes, I hear you Cap. Problem is I hit rock bottom about 4 years ago as far as the finances are concerned, but if you have kids with them you pay and pay and pay. I'm still paying full child support for 2 kids even though my daughter has been living with me for 15 months. Just to shut the ex up so my daughter CAN live with me since I'm terrified to go back into our local family court after what happened last time. I found that the laws don't matter, the truth doesn't matter, and the rules don't matter. What DID matter was that the ex's sleazy lawyer is the judge's best friend's son. Ouch.. It's a damn shame to make what I make and not have enough money left to fix up the toy I have, much less buy another one even if it is dirt cheap. Well, I'm through !@#$%ing now. Off to work, so I can support the ex wife and the stephusband. That's what I call the non-working bum she's married to now.. lol.
Been there , done that unreformed. The worst thing about it was my daughter never saw a penny of the money I had to pay. She lived with her great grandmother and only got the money I could give her on the side that her mother never new about. You should have heard the hollering when I finally got the court to cancel the payment order. I'm sure you could of heard it in Ohio. LOL

Yeah Jack, that's what I'm living for.. the day when the ex and the bum have to live on their own money. As it is my daughter lives with me and I buy my son nearly everything he gets because she won't. And believe me, the courts don't care as long as they're getting their cut of the money.
Damn if it wasn't so far I would buy it but a little FAR from me.Nothing like that ever pops up around here like that especially for that price.

Cars like this one never pop up around HERE either, that's why I'm so bummed. I bought mine for $4250.00 as it sits a year and a half ago and thought I got the deal of the decade with a warmed over 360 and 65,000 original miles. The car on Craigslist has A/C and fewer miles, and DAMN if I don't like that white interior. lol.
Nice looking Scamp
I'd love to have it too, but I'm broke too !

My situation is a little different. Lost my job 10 months ago, cant even seem to get an interview. I'm a long time computer geek, and theres just no jobs around here right now.
I keep applying for lower level type stuff, like inventory control, warehousing, shipping.... but cant get a callback on those jobs cause I used to make better money.
My unemployment ran out 4 months ago, my wifes paying all the bills, and i'm doing odd jobs and handyman work.
I've about given up on finding a real job, and i'm thinking of going full time with the handyman work, IF I can find enough jobs.
The other problem is that I have rheumatoid arthritis and the handyman work is hard on me, dont know if I could handle doing it full time.

Sorry,, i'm rambling.