I'm trading



Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
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I'm going to trade my 67 270 dart for a 65 belevederII.
The guy wants 6500 and thats what I've been asking for mine.
The car needs a really good wax job and some TLC.
It's got a 318 Poly block, so that will be going, unless there some kind major build up that can be done to it. The car is black on black. its a automatic it's also got a 8 3/4 rear I noticed.

I think the car was a blue when built but somebody MACO'D It.

That's all for now.
I'm going back next weekend to make the trade. I still triing to figure out how to post pic's, I'm that much of a computer person. I know enough to get me in to trouble.

The good thing is we still have my wifes GT DART. Now I can say my wife has a A-Body. ha ha ha ha
Well, I went back and traded my Dart for the 65 BelvedereII. Everything went off with out a hitch, well almost The guy got my car then we went out and parts car and the extra hoods and deck lid on the trailer. Then we went back and picked up the 65 to drive home, Well we got to the gas station to get gas in the pick-up and the 65 and I smelt ant-freeze guess coming from the 65, the radiator was leaking. So I called Hagerty for a tow. The tow guy showed up with the flat bed load up the 65 and head for home.
Got home paided the wreck guy/company $$$$. Put the hose to it and washed off the year of crap and then put the wax to it.

So saturday evening and sunday was devoted to cleaning and fixing the 65 to be more road worthy, Radiator, bleeding brakes and turn signals. ect..

The wife knew what I was going to do and she didn't have a problem with it. She's so great, she likes the car just as much as I do.

I'll post picture when I figure how to post.
How did you luck out getting a trade.
I've had my Duster For Sale OR Trade All Summer And All
I Get Is People Wanting To Clean Out Their Basements For A
A Trade.LOL
Thanks For Listening to Me Rant.
To post pic's.......go to your pic file right click on the pic,click edit,click on attributes,click on stretch/skew,resize to 80% on both of them(horizontal and vertical,click on save as,name the file and thenthat pic is ready to post
Sounds like a good new project. When you post pics of the 65, could you also post some of the 67 Dart? I'm curious to see the condition of each for the trade. Thanks.
This is really wierd. I've posted my duster for sale/trade for about a month now. One thing i said I'd trade for was a 65 dodge or plymouth b-body. Well, tomorrow going to look at one. Belvedere II, 413 big block 4 speed. REally nice shape, bright orange paint, torque thrusts, 4.10, etc. Seems to be set up a lot like my duster. Love those 65's.
i have one of those, the 65 plymouth. i built a aluminum head 505 out of a 440 for it. as for a trade, i would, the 67 is a good year dart but the 65 can be made into a AWB or AFX or even easier a A-990 car.
Being from 07 he's had a year to figure out how to post pics. Could happen any day now. Look at the bright side there Bigstrok. Pics please. LOL!!!
It's got a 318 Poly block, so that will be going, unless there some kind major build up that can be done to it.

The 62 to 65 Mopar web site (http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.com) is a great site for those early B's. There's also a guy that is a member (Gary Pavlovich) that is the Guru on poly's (how about a 408 stroker poly?). he's also on the 318poly forum as well.