Impatient nasty aggressive drivers

My biggest beef is the overly aggressive teens to 30ish drivers around my side of town. Yeah there's some in all age groups but I really notice this group more I guess. I live in a college town and those guys got wayy to much stuff on their minds, if you know what I mean and the only thing they want to do is get there yesterday and take no prisoners along the way. I doubt seriously that the new drivers training classes ( yeah that's a joke) that they are receiving, teaches them anything about using a rear view mirror, turn signal or what it means to actually stop on red before turning. About got nailed the other day by a guy racing to get to the front of the pack while cell phoning only to come up to the red light to turn and blast on through it without looking for oncoming traffic. He pulled right out and the the guy coming that actually had the right of way locked on the binders and swerved right in my direction to avoid the idiot. Needless to say I crapped my pants and wished I could have got a piece of the book smart dummy that nearly caused us to both get taken out while he went on his merry way. Super scary when I take the Dart out for a spin!
The speed limit is just that. The speed range is entirely different. I get cut off 200 times a day, easy. Everybody drives at the speed they are most comfortable with. Everyone is different, therefore everyone drives at different speeds. Get used to it. There are a zillion threads like this on hundreds of car sites, but I have never seen anyone use the laws of physics to explain what they, or anyone else is doing. At 55 miles per hour, how many lane changes do you have to make, (one of the most dangerous moves you can make by the way) assuming you pass a car for every lane change , to arrive ten seconds sooner at where I'm going to be in one hour? By the way, there is a fairly safe way to get on down the interstate, quickly, legally, very safely, with virtually no stress. If you know it good for you. Don't tell. If everybody did it, the laws of physics wouldn't allow it to work. I use it to keep myself safe from the insane, which I think is a prerequisite for obtaining a license.