In God we trust

I like it ! I am not a church person(should be). This is a good video.Simply common sense ,on the Constitution, Bill of Rights.
I like it ! I am not a church person(should be). This is a good video.Simply common sense ,on the Constitution, Bill of Rights.
fantastic! wonder why most of our "elected" officials don`t honor or think about this. I guess it`s all about getting the votes to stay in power now! getting the free loader votes seems to be a top priority!
If this steps on some ones toes, I don`t give a dam! :violent1: bob
I don't open all posts when it's been mailed to someone Spooked I guess but yes I give a darn about it..
He is my refuge and my fortress, my GOD in him will i trust... psalm 91
its spreading to Canada too.
Kid goes to school one day with his dog. The principel stops the kid at the door and
wont let the dog in. The kid goes to class and the dog just sits at the school door waiting and whinning for the boy. Jesus appears and starts petting the sad dog
and in a soothing voice says " its ok puppy dont feel to bad they wont let me in either". Politically correctness is the modern crucafiction of God, Jesus and all we hold sacred.
It's too bad that dipstick didn't spend any time paying attention in history class beyond learning a few trivialities that he believes prove his point. Do you think he realizes that NONE of the monuments he mentioned were built while those people were alive?

Our founding fathers, many of whom he mentioned in his little video, were the very people that insisted, INSISTED, on the separation of church and state. Hence the First Amendment. And by the way, the "separation of church and state" is a quote from Jefferson himself. Yeah, same guy with the monument. Which was built starting in 1938. Pretty sure no one consulted Jefferson on what to inscribe on his monument.

Our founding fathers were very religious men, quite true. But they also fled England because of religious persecution. And so, when they founded this country, they sought to make it a place free from religious persecution, regardless of the religion.
It's too bad that dipstick didn't spend any time paying attention in history class beyond learning a few trivialities that he believes prove his point. Do you think he realizes that NONE of the monuments he mentioned were built while those people were alive?

Our founding fathers, many of whom he mentioned in his little video, were the very people that insisted, INSISTED, on the separation of church and state. Hence the First Amendment. And by the way, the "separation of church and state" is a quote from Jefferson himself. Yeah, same guy with the monument. Which was built starting in 1938. Pretty sure no one consulted Jefferson on what to inscribe on his monument.

Our founding fathers were very religious men, quite true. But they also fled England because of religious persecution. And so, when they founded this country, they sought to make it a place free from religious persecution, regardless of the religion.

Mostly true, if you get down to the important founding fathers(one's who founded crucial concepts we value today), very very few would be defined as "religious". They were most Deist(non-christians) who had very very low opinions of organized religion.

The guy in that video is an uneducated idiot, the typical apologist moron. and the president sounds like an asshat saying "we are no longer a christian nation". When really, we never were a christian nation. This nation was founded as secular government for the purpose of preserving everyone's right to believe whatever they want.

Sadly, modern christians don't like this important fact because it impedes their ability to impose their nonsense onto a country that is turning away from arbitrary "moral"(another debate) rules from an unprovable deity.
Yep, in God we trust.

You might, but i'd prefer us keep the original, rational motto of E pluribus unum.

Wanna talk about a country losing its way, one that changed the motto from a rememberance of our roots to one that means absolutely nothing.