Installed New Door Handle's/Doors won't open

Oct 13, 2012
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Southern California
I installed new exterior door handles and locks on my 1972 plymouth duster. I reused the old spring levers on original handles. All rods are original. After installation when I press the exterior door handle to open the door it doesn't pull the lever far enough to release the latch within the door jam. Is there an adjustment for this or where did I go wrong?

FYI: When I pull the lever on the inside everything works fine.

The pin {behind push button}on some new handles are adjustable check and see if it screws out more also use lock-tight if this is the case.
Use your old button and actuator if they are usable. The new handles are nothing but 93 and back truck handles with early repoped hardware that some were not correct. Use your hardware on the new handles or you will have problems in the future.
I will take a look at possibly adjusting the screw.

The old button is pretty worn/pitted. If it comes down to it i'll swap and see if that fixes it.
