Installed new rear end, bleeding brakes Q



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
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I've just installed the 8 1/4 rear end which also has new rear drums and new brake lines to the rear brake hose tee/connector. Just want to confirm if I can simply bleed the rear drums (empty now) and not need to also bleed the front brakes (untouched during the rear end swap).
yes you should be able to just bleed the rear, as long as no air entrered the system. If it were me, I would bleed the whole system and replace the old brake fluid.
If you have a 2 line resivoir and just the one section is now empty then you'll only need to bleed the rears. Its possible that no pedal pumping will be required either. Just let it run until you have pure fluid (no bubbles) at the bleeders. if both sections of a split resivoir are empty the perportion valve is allowing a blend and all will need bleeding from right rear to left front.