Interesting find in the glove box



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Thought I'd throw this out on this site to and pick more brains. When I bought my 67 Dart last fall I found this envelope in the bottom of the glove box. I've never seen anyone at car shows with this treasure. My question is if any of you know the the history of these. What is the date? Is it the date it left the factory or is it the date it got to the dealer? The hand written part.....was that the destination when it left or was it written on there by the dealer when they recieved it. I'm trying to track the history of my baby.
Thanks, Jim

keys resized.jpg
Thought I'd throw this out on this site to and pick more brains. When I bought my 67 Dart last fall I found this envelope in the bottom of the glove box. I've never seen anyone at car shows with this treasure. My question is if any of you know the the history of these. What is the date? Is it the date it left the factory or is it the date it got to the dealer? The hand written part.....was that the destination when it left or was it written on there by the dealer when they recieved it. I'm trying to track the history of my baby.
Thanks, Jim

That is a cool find, I have never seen anything like that either. I am sure someone will know and will be able to help you.
I think thats a Certicard envelope and I imagine the date stamp is from when it left the factory, but I'm not absolutely positive. Alaskan TA would probably know for sure.
Not a certacard. Mine is under the hood between the battery and the inner fender and has the original owner's name, Kathern D Vail, on it.
Not a certacard. Mine is under the hood between the battery and the inner fender and has the original owner's name, Kathern D Vail, on it.

i wonder if he meant that maybe the certicard was delivered to the dealership in that envelope and then filled out and put in the engine bay? i am very interested in what you find out. what a great find.
It looks like an envelope that would have the spare keys and owners manual when you buy the car brand new from the dealership. We had these at the dealership I worked for. Although, that was in 2000 for a Nissan dealership. I don't know if Dodge was doing the same thing back then.
i wonder if he meant that maybe the certicard was delivered to the dealership in that envelope and then filled out and put in the engine bay? i am very interested in what you find out. what a great find.

That's exactly what I meant. And yes, a very cool find!