Is it necessary.....



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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39 read this post? It's only my 300th. :D

Gotcha's again.... :wink:
300th :roll: Your still a beginner! :geek:
Check out HawaiiDuster's count! :shock:
mikelbeck said:
300? That's it?

Age: 35
Joined: 12 May 2004
Posts: 389
Location: Lawn Guyland, Noo Yawk

The first thing I thought of when I looked at my stats after posting that was "Pontiac Motor!".

Does that happen to anybody else? When you see "4:40" on the clock you think "big block"? Happens to me all the time...
Age: 35
Joined: 12 May 2004
Posts: 390
Location: Lawn Guyland, Noo Yawk

390! Ford!
Age: 35
Joined: 12 May 2004
Posts: 391
Location: Lawn Guyland, Noo Yawk

3.91! Gears in my Duster!
fastbackcuda said:

935 was a wicked-fast Porsche :D

Isn't it funny how a B.S. post takes on a life of it's own? :wink:

BTW: I do the same thing with clock times
clock times... yes, but, when i got my parking pass for school, its number 439... so of course you know what i thought.. (just.. one... more...), and yes, clock, 4:40... i always seem to look at the clock at 12:34(midnight) when i am with my girlfriend at her cousin's house, and everytime i think "oooh, 1-2-3-4" and everytime i am disappointed with myself for even noticing something so unimpressive.
I do the same thing with clocks and i also do it with street signs. i was with my girl friend going on a date and i see the street sign 454 and i was like thats a chevy bigblock motor and then later on i seen 318 and was like thast a Dodge Smallblock motor...and she wasn't to impressed with