Is your Mopar on Google street view?



Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
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Hollywood Fl
I'm sure a lot of us have checked out our house on Google maps- street view. Did anyone get lucky enough to have there Mopar out front when the weird Google camera car came by? I didn't, but thought it would be cool if I knew when it was coming to have some old Mopars outside!
Not the best idea in the world back in New Zealand it was used to see what was parked at your address then they would case the place and guess what while you werected out your motorcycle etc was stolen best idea if you do have things on it in front of your house is to ask to have it removed they blank out a couple either side as well.
and what is even weirder, it doesn't even show the oil stains ginger has left on my driveway
Mine's all over the place lol. Although I never even noticed the google car, it caught me in a few places, and even followed me for a bit.

edit- here's a pic
You can't even see the Dart Cave from the street let alone the Dart. Their only chance of getting it would be if a google camera car drove through a car show or race track haha
Must have been right before I put the front glass in... So this was around Aug- Sept 2013


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My grandma is in street view in front of the Walt self senior center (Walt was my grandpa), but my mopars.... nope. I guess that means I don't drive them enough :-(
Nope. The photo of our home is over 5 years old so it was still owned by the previous owner at that time.
Mine is pretty old as well. It's got my Dart and my pick up in the driveway. But the best part is my old dishwasher is out at the curb waiting to be picked up.

didn't get my cars because they are all behind the house but it got me in front of my friend's house up the road was a hot day and we were messing with water guns and water balloons and it caught me up front moving the garden hose. :???:
Don't know how to get to it

But my neighbor told me what is in his

They tore down the house he inherited after his dad passed and built a new house. His wife retired 3 weeks before and they moved into the house the week before but it wasn't finished. Mary Beth had went to get some supplies and was coming home in a red F150 as she was turning into the driveway she was rearended and the truck landed in the ditch, she had to be cut out of the truck. The Google street car drove down the road with all the emergency vehicles and the car that hit the truck.

In this case will be used as evidence to the crash
One of them is - next to the trailer


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