Issue with brand new truck. Advice on how to proceed?

They sure are putting SHORT tires on um now. Nice truck though.
Yeah, and from what I've read they are super great in snow and mud... (heavy sarcasm)

It still needs to go in for the delivery detail and "Sync training" since I bought it late in the evening on the 16th and momma was already pissy that the deal took me all day, plus I still had to pack for work this week.

I linked into another truck just like it in Post #141

Now that is what you call a TRUCK!!!
One interesting point of information that was never disclosed anywhere in this thread: the Ram had 209 miles on the odometer when delivered. New truck, but not off of the transport new. 209 miles of opportunity for something to happen. Which probably did.
I've been following your thread and Ram didn't make any friends with this deal.

You got a very nice Ford Truck now!!!!!!!
One interesting point of information that was never disclosed anywhere in this thread: the Ram had 209 miles on the odometer when delivered. New truck, but not off of the transport new. 209 miles of opportunity for something to happen. Which probably did.

Weeelllll... you're sort of right. The first part of my original post said that the dealer had nothing on their lot in the configuration that I wanted, so they dealer traded for one in Oklahoma. Which is almost approximately 192 miles away from the dealer in Wichita. That would give it 17 miles on the lot at the Oklahoma dealership. I've put more miles than that in one test drive of a vehicle before. Still PLENTY of opportunity for shifty **** to go down. Like delaying the delivery nearly a full day and a half....

66fyssh said:
I've been following your thread and Ram didn't make any friends with this deal.

You got a very nice Ford Truck now!!!!!!!

They absolutely did not, this has lost, at minimum, two future new vehicle sales. My dad being one of them, and myself being the other. I jokingly asked him a week or so before dumping the truck if he wanted to buy it. The answer was no and that he didn't even want to buy the one that he was looking at after seeing the treatment I received.

It's a killer rig for sure. I can't wait to get back home and tinker with it next week. I drove it off the lot around 8PM Monday and had to leave it at home the following morning when I left for work this week.