It has been a rough 2 months

our most sincere condolences, hang in there. my mother just passed last month, our fathers need us more now than ever.
Thoughts and prayers-I've only been married 11 years, but I know I'd lose a great thing if my wife was gone. I agree with what you are doing and what Prine said; about 4 years ago I flipped two cars and sent my wife and elder daughter to see relatives in the Ukraine with the money. They spent six weeks going to where my wife grew up, meeting her old school teachers, visiting friends, the Black Sea, and being with family. It all culminated with an inpromptu re-union at my wife's grandmother's home, inwhich many neighbors invited family down (many of these kids grew up together, so they are close). My wife said it was huge- a month later that grandmother sat on the couch re-living that day with my father-in-law. He said they were smiling and laughing, then just tilted her head back and passed away. Best money I ever spent and have no problems spending more having the in-laws come over at six months at a time.
You and your Dad and your family have my sympathy. It won't be easy for your Dad but with your support, he'll make it. The older folks are stronger than we realize. Take care of each other and remember the good times with your step-Mom.
My dad and I had a chance to talk tonight. There were many things we didn't know about each other that came to light tonight. We were amazed at how much we are the same. We never really saw eye to eye as I was always the black sheep of the family. Don't get me wrong, I am no gangster, I was just very rebelious. He was just asking me about simple things in life and was amazed by my answers. At the end of the long conversation he told me that of all of his sons, (5), I seem to be more like him than any of the others. I do get along with all my siblings so there is no rivalry. We compared all the things we had done at different ages and could not believe the similarities, whether it be playing sports or taking care of family. It was a real good conversation and it was definitely long overdue. I think he will be good in the future as he was talking about months down the road. He is still a stubborn SOB though. LOL He has a hard time accepting help. Kind of reminds me of someone. LOL

Jack, I know nothing I can say will make this time any easier for you and your dad, but know above all that if you need to accept some help or need a shoulder to lean on, it's right here. The world's a big place to carry around by yourself. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family.