it pays to scrap...



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
syracuse, ny
so for the past 6 months ive been saving all of the junk rotors and parts from our shop that we are suppose to throw in the dumpster. ive been stock piling awhile and finally got around to taking it to the yard today...

5400 lbs of drums and rotors...

1900 lbs of various steel crap...

a bunch of cats. and radiators...

and now ive got a whopping $1100 for my bills... i cant believe my company just wants to throw this crap away. nothing like free money!!!
dont let them know what you get. some guys get very jealous. I've been scraping for a few years now. like you stuff from work. clean ups and junk cars. the guys at work are cool with it. once in awhile I'll buy lunch for everybody.
Scrap metal is pretty high right now - probably all going to China.
I agree, keep it on the downlow. Nothing wrong with it, and the people who would disagree with what you are doing probably don't realize how much work it is. These days with scrap so high, it's hard to even find scrap around or buy old cars.
only my 2 friends at work know and theyve been helping. im giving them some money too. its crazy though how high its gotten. rotors and drums paid $280 a ton. ive heard that china's been buying it all up too so its just going to go higher... its definately hard work, it took me and my pal 5 hours to load up 2 truck loads and drop it off. my back's feeling about its ready to explode right now, but its worth it...
Yeah the scrap business has exploded over the last 3-4 yrs. A buddy of mine started a scrap yard about 5 yrs. ago. I never expected him to do so well but he got in just the right time. He pays the highest prices of any of the yards around here and still clears $1000 a week for himself. Best of all he doesn't work over 15-20 hrs. a week. He has a worker that does all the grunt work and he pays him well and still makes a killing. Works good for me too cause I can get most any scrap metal for free.
They are getting 10 dolor a hundred ponds for junk cars with seats glass and everything in it. Beer cans are going for 4 cents each on average.
metals are going for high dolor know.
I paid 150 dolors for a van 2 years ago that had a cracked block in it for storage.
Now I think I will empty it and build me a storage building with the cash
that the van will bring at salvage.
Not only are you helping out your wallet, you are helping the environment by recycling all that metal that would of gone to the dump!
Tell the guys at work, your doing it to save the environment, it has nothing to do with the money LOL!

Good job man!:cheers:
My one-man CNC shop generates about $2000.00 per year in alum scrap, what blows me away is they pay in cash, always have. What a beautiful thing !!!
crazy that you got that much for all that. place around arizona will only pay for aluminum, aluminum cans, stainless steel, copper, and brass. i guess its time to start saving beer cans and soda cans.