Its on eBay now...

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1000+ views, 45 watches, 10 bids, currently $1625, 4 days 8 hours left...looks like its probably gonna sell...

Thanks guys!!
When my Dad was driving it out from pittsburgh to Mt. Home Idaho back in the early 90's it was struggling to get air in to the carb up in the mountains of Wyhoming and Colorado so he found the hubcap and jerry rigged it to work as a air cleaner lid and its been on ever since! ( It also works great and in my opinion looks cool too! )
1300+ views, 52 watchers, 13 bids, currently $2550, 3 days 9 hours left...
You got a pic of the WHOLE car? I never have understood why people take "pieces" of pictures of cars. I don't get it.
Seems like a great deal @ the current price!......I'd be interested if I wasn't drowning in cars already.....
Thanks guys! I pretty much figure its gonna end up selling regardless of the final price. The school is really harping on me to get my tuition paid for ( it was due in the middle of August...oops ! :D ) and what its at now would barely cover it so...
1700+ views, 61 watchers, 13 bids, currently $2550, 2 days 7 hours left...
2000+ views, 71 watchers, 13 bids, currently $2550, 1 day 8 hours left...
2300+ views, 75 watchers, 13 bids, currently $2550, 0 day 9 hours left...
So does this mean you are going to change you user name? My wife would love the car
Just my luck! MapQuest says it's 1617 miles one way. If it wasn't so far I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a Twinkie! :-D
Good luck, hopefully some of those watchers will be last minute bidders,
Thanks guys! And augui I think I'm gonna have to change the name. :-(
Well, it didn't sell ( over 2500 views and 79 watchers ). I will be posting a ton of stuff from my garage in the for sale forum. I think I'll just tuck the car away in the garage for now and if I come along some good deals, fix up my car bit by bit as time and money permits. As of now, my wife and I are trying to take all of our non-school loan debt and get it into one loan so we just have one payment a month and can hopefull tackle it faster.

Thanks for all of your interest FABO!!!
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