Just might make ya laugh!!



A-Bodies Rule!
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio TX
Hiding From the Cops

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are running from the cops. They hide
on a potato farm. They crawl into some potato bags. The first cop pokes
the bag with the brunette in it. She says, "Meow." The cop confirms that
it is just a cat. The second cop pokes the bag with the redhead in it.
She says, "Woof." The cop says that it is just a dog. The third cop
pokes the bag with the blonde in it. She say in her sweetest voice,

The Ultimate Sacrifice

There is a brunette and a blonde hanging over the edge of a cliff off a
piece of rope. They realize that the rope will break if one of them
doesn't let go and they will both fall to their deaths. The brunette
starts this big heartwarming speech about how she is going to sacrifice
herself. At the end of the speech the blonde starts clapping.

Cell Phone

One day a blonde decided to get a cell phone. After talking with the
salesman, she finally selected a model and signed up for the service.

Over the next few days she called her friends and gave them her new

A few days later while shopping, her phone rang for the first time.

Surprised, she answered it. It was her best friend. Completely
dumbfounded, she asked in amazement, "How did you know where to call
