just need to vent....

And yes, every young man 18-26 needs to experience a cougar to upgrade his skill level.

Good luck pal

When I was that age, I never got to experience the cougar thing. And now, at my age, for me to experience it, well, I'm guessing that whomever she would be, the other residents of the nursing home might get mad at her for the disruption.

Welcome to the club Mike! This one girl I've known since grade 5 is a prime example. We hung out a lot and we started liking each other. I never asked her out because I didn't know if she liked me or not. She knew I liked her but would never tell me if she liked me. Eventually I asked her out years later and she said no because she sees me as a friend now. Then she mentioned she liked me in grade 5 and 6. Of course now she tells me! I'm still trying to figure out that thin line between friends and relationship. Getting to know someone without crossing into the friendship line. This other girl I know, we had a thing going where we were pretty much dating long distance (I knew her from my old town). One day she got pissed at me for no reason and hasn't talked to me since. I still am baffled what I did wrong.
The only time me and my wife got into a fight we were in our mid-20s...

She was being a crank *** one day and I kept asking her what was wrong...she told me "you know what's wrong!"...I was like "I do?????"
She was like "yeah, you do!!!"....I didnt have a clue and it was pissing me off...so I went into the kitchen and grabbed one of the kid's bottles, put some milk in it and came back out...."I figured it out...you're whining so you must be hungry"...I slapped it on the coffee table and walked out.

She FLIPPED!!!!! LMAO!! It was awesome!
For a moment there, I thought I was going to have to have an exorcism done or something. LOL

But we've been married for 14 years now. And we're best friends.
Takes a lot of time to learn how to live with someone else. Anyone.
Doesnt matter who it is.

now we both play with our cars together.
I'm not queer but these woman nowadays I have no use for. They always want your money and then they stab you in the back. The list goes on. They are F--ked up in the brains!

I've been married twice one annulled one divorce. So I've decided to stay single for awhile and if I don't like that then I can always go back to being miserable!
Important rule;

Don't let the little head do the thinking for the big head!
She was being a crank *** one day and I kept asking her what was wrong...she told me "you know what's wrong!"...I was like "I do?????"
She was like "yeah, you do!!!"....I didnt have a clue and it was pissing me off...so I went into the kitchen and grabbed one of the kid's bottles, put some milk in it and came back out...."I figured it out...you're whining so you must be hungry"...I slapped it on the coffee table and walked out.

She FLIPPED!!!!! LMAO!! It was awesome!
For a moment there, I thought I was going to have to have an exorcism done or something. LOL

Timmy's on the table after this one ROFL

Here's a little tip from your uncle Moparmuscleguy. Now listen up and follow these rules;:read2:
1) Make love to your women like she's the last women on earth. I mean if your not all over her like an Ethiopian on a Big Mac and her legs aren't shaking when you done, then your not done.
2) Feed her Chocolate. Enough said.
3) Buy her Shoes. Enough said.
4) Act like your listening to her even if your not.
5) Act like you care even if you don't.
6) If she comes out of the bedroom in a new outfit and asks you if she looks fat, Say you wish you could comment but your blinded by her beauty.
chicks dig greasy dirty guys workin on cars or bikes, the best compliment ever is when a hot chick goes "wow you clean up nice"
This is an absolute truth. I received such a compliment from a very cute female friend at a dinner event a couple weeks ago. At any rate, I'd rather be liked/hated for who/what I am than deal with anyone that wishes I were something I'm not. I don't need friends that badly.
I'm not queer but these woman nowadays I have no use for. They always want your money and then they stab you in the back. The list goes on. They are F--ked up in the brains!

I've been married twice one annulled one divorce. So I've decided to stay single for awhile and if I don't like that then I can always go back to being miserable!

I was in the Air Farce with a guy who emphatically stated, very often, that all women, when reduced to their simplest forms, are liars and whores.

I can see what he was saying at times, only saw it in my ex a few times, but more in the divorce. Not sure it applies to all women, though. Hell, to listen to some women, all us men are pigs.

how come it is the if a girl wants to date me, im not intereted, but if i get to know her and wanna date her, shes not interested. and everytime she wants to hang out, im working on a car, like honestly, why are girls so weird! sorry guys just needed to vent a bit:glasses5:
You are not alone dude
well the day that a man can figure out a woman than the world will end

just relax
have a beer
and always be yourself

anything else will just get you in trouble
Just wait until your a big hockey star. You'll be bangin' em all night and tossing them in the dumpster after. Payback's a *****!

Alot of women I hung out with when I was younger have found me on Facebook. They're all married with kids now. Aging and family life have not been kind to their bodies. Can you say Chunky-monkeys? lol Whew! Glad I didn't end up with any of them.

Finally when I was a nice guy, girls didn't give me the time of day. When I did get one and wanted to break up with her, I'd become a real A-hole. That backfired and they wanted me more. Go figure.

Lemmy sings it best.....
And why can they get away with what they do to us?

Because theyre in charge of the Ultimate Controlled Substance! - lol
Mike you need to find one that will help work in the shop with you..:cheers: and if you can put up with each other there then shes the one:love7::love7::sign10:
Just keep a smile on your face and always be nice and flirt with her (in a non creepy way) no matter what she says or does back. Eventually someone will notice and it will work, whether it's one of her friends or her.
Flattery goes a long way with chics so practice on them all no matter what you think of them. There is no point in being mean to any girls. It takes a lot of practice to be good at flirting and complimenting them so use every opportunity. Besides, if you make a snide comment to even one, it goes noticed far easier than if you are nice.

man this post is xcellent..ive been working it as an exp. and damn skippy..returned smiles/sweet conversations/and warm fuzzys on da ego..my girl friend of 7 years found it interesting too.

like wuzzzzz up..
natch I said nothing...honey...babe...sweetie...