Kawasaki Bench Grinders



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Evening folks,
My old B&D bench grinder has seen it's best days and it is time to upgrade. Was looking at a Dewalt 756 (6") when I ran across a Kawasaki on the Home Depot site. A little less amps (4 vs. 3.5) but almost half the cost. Anyone have one? Like it? I also seen a Shop Fox 3.5 amp on Amazon for 1/2 the Dewalt. Anyone have a Shop Fox?
Calvin, I looked at the reviews. The cheaper one had not been reviewed yet and the more costly one had one review. Bad. I got a cheap one from HF years ago and it's served me well so far.
Thanks Rob, I will give them a look.
And thank you Longarm, I do like my Jet woodworking tools. I never think about Craigslist. I looked tonight and nothing close by to look at though.
Thanks again,
Had an old sewing machine motor bolted on the work bench in my fathers basement with an arbor on it for like 45years, used it for polishing and grinding, not that it got any heavy duty usage.
I currently have a RYOBI 8" that's only like 3-1/2 amp in my shop, had it for about 6 years... Granted again, it's not heavy usage (I've only worn the wheels downs about 3/8" in diameter), but I can't imagine it not lasting another 10years or more. Paid about $70 for it...
The way some places rate the power in amps can be misleading because you can have 2 different motors draw the same amperage but one will have more HP than the other due to being more efficient. Look for something rated in HP, at least 1/2 HP but preferably 3/4 hp or more. I have an older 6" bench grinder I bought 1 about 15 yrs. ago at a discount tool house and it's rated at 3/4 HP and has served me well. Wanting an 8" grinder I picked one up rated at the same HP (couldn't find a 1 hp I could afford). The new one was a dog. I'd swear I could stop it grinding on a butter knife. Took it back and got a refund.
I have a Makita 8"....had it 20 years now, been through a few stones and polishin mops.....never had any probs with it....cost me $200 back then.
Our domestic supply voltage here is 240 volt AC @ 50Hz.
Their dirt bikes suck...doesn't surprise me about the other stuff...