


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2014
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i had keys made by a member here. Sent him mine he cut me a couple pair of original looking keys. I have lost his contact. Seems like might have been Ohio area ? Anyone know who this is?
If you don't find him, there are always NOS or NOS looking key blanks showing up on Ebay, then take to locksmith for cutting. I had a locksmith punch ( not copied, they decode the depth of the cuts then use a punch or very precise cutter) cut me a Master key so future keys would not be copies of copies. he even tweaked the master till it worked great in all the locks it should.

forgot to mention... watch door / trunk / glove box key way, looks like there were different ones over the years. the original blank the Locksmith used that was called for did not fit. He had a bag of blanks in an old box in the back and they were just fine. ( same number just different keyway for some reason)
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i had keys made by a member here. Sent him mine he cut me a couple pair of original looking keys. I have lost his contact. Seems like might have been Ohio area ? Anyone know who this is?

You can take your own blanks into Ace Harware and they will cut them for you.
I got an extra set made there using their blanks and the main difference between the new ones and the originals was that the new ones say ACE on them. (right shape though for ignition and trunk both)
i had keys made by a member here. Sent him mine he cut me a couple pair of original looking keys. I have lost his contact. Seems like might have been Ohio area ? Anyone know who this is?
Maybe me?
I sell and cut keys. I try to anyway.
I'm getting thin on some of the trunk keys due to not being able to get stock from my supplier due to the Kung-flu.
@gunbunny sells a bunch of NOS keys. I have a set from him that I need to get cut for my car
You have an extra set of keys?
If so, send a set with your blanks and I'll cut them for you.
Otherwise,m remember to bring them to Nats and I'll cut them there.
You have an extra set of keys?
If so, send a set with your blanks and I'll cut them for you.
Otherwise,m remember to bring them to Nats and I'll cut them there.
I don’t have an extra set but if I happen to make it to the Nats this year, I’ll be sure and bring them along!
The Ace Hardware in my area quit cutting blanks brought in. They will only cut blanks they sell. Liability I think was the excuse for the new policy. So I went to Lowe’s and the guy stationed that day cut my blank for free. They have a two units scanning type deal where the master key goes inside the scan cabinet, and the blank gets inserted into the cutting slot in the other cabinet, the new cut key worked so there you go.
Maybe me?
I sell and cut keys. I try to anyway.
I'm getting thin on some of the trunk keys due to not being able to get stock from my supplier due to the Kung-flu.
You are the Keymaster! :thumbsup:
gunbunny did a GREAT JOB on my sets of keys. Very meticulous in his work and the keys were exactly like the ones you got from your local Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth dealer. I highly recommend him as his keys fit perfectly in the lock and he wants you to be completely happy with them. HOPPY Easter to all
gunbunny did a GREAT JOB on my sets of keys. Very meticulous in his work and the keys were exactly like the ones you got from your local Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth dealer. I highly recommend him as his keys fit perfectly in the lock and he wants you to be completely happy with them. HOPPY Easter to all
Yep, Got mine from him at Carlisle...