Kiss on American Idol



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Any body see Kiss and Adam Lambert on American Idol tonight is was awsome.
I can't imagine what that must have cost.............I'm not surprised by much these days..........except by KISS on A-Idol.............BIG bucks.
Clicked over but clicked back when I saw it was just a fancier cover song. Sorry Kiss is Kiss no substitutions. Besides that Adam kid gives off the wrong vibe for a band like Kiss.
Notice Adam sang with them because he had the range and the power, the guy that won didn't hold a candle to Adam, he could not have pulled the kiss song off. The wrong guy won IMHO.
I have to say it was the best finally that Idol has ever had, fantastic show.
Notice Adam sang with them because he had the range and the power, the guy that won didn't hold a candle to Adam, he could not have pulled the kiss song off. The wrong guy won IMHO.

Doesn't really matter how many winners are still around in the public eye anyways? Canadian Idol has had non stick around and far as I know only 2 from american idol had any staying power.
Adam should have one by far better singer atleast he wont be tied down to idol champ.
Adam Rocks! Super Star! Glad he won't be labeled an Idol winner.