Lakers vs Celtics Game 7



Senior Member
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Modesto, CA
OK, tonight is Game 7 All or nothing. Who do you think will win the series?

Being from Massachusetts originally, I vote for Boston!!!!!

GO CELTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't stand Bryant, can't stand any sports team from Boston. Too bad they both can't lose...
Happy to see Pierce leave the court like he was going to cry...

Hope the Celtics enjoy the flight home!
Besides the rape charge years ago why the hate for Kody?

Just asking...?
Well ok that they won, hated to see Perkins go down, I called that on the 1st poll if was was gone I thought was a HUGE factor!
True, Perkins going down hurt the celtics, but Andrew Bynum has been playing with a bad knee throughout the playoffs. If Perkins hadn't gotten hurt, and Bynum wasn't hurt, the result would have been the same.

Phil Jackson seems to win his championships in threes...can I get a "THREE-PEAT?"