Last one to post in this thread wins!

Black Friday sucks, I am so tired of all the bull sh-t advertising and saving money shopping today adds. I just want to buy a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread today not compete over a good deal on a new TV. Next time I will stay home....
Thanks giving has disappeared and so has Christmas. We now have a new holiday called Black Friday and Cyber Monday thanks to the media.
Sorry guys just venting. lol
The world needs to embrace your views and attitude. My wife works retail. She was supposed to open at 6 am. I sabotaged the alarm clock and she was 1 hour late at opening the store. No one said a word.
Black Friday sucks, I am so tired of all the bull sh-t advertising and saving money shopping today adds. I just want to buy a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread today not compete over a good deal on a new TV. Next time I will stay home....
Thanks giving has disappeared and so has Christmas. We now have a new holiday called Black Friday and Cyber Monday thanks to the media.
Sorry guys just venting. lol
I agree with you 100% Fred. Christmas has lost it's true meaning. As kids we would get a nice gift and of course the good old stocking hung up. Inside you'd get some candy and some small toys and maybe an orange/apple. Parents weren't expected to go into huge debt just so their entitled kids can have anything just to out do their friends. It was a time for family to get together and enjoy the season. Everything is too commercialized these days. A real shame. Time to get off my soapbox. Hey guys!!! have a great's the weekend..I know that because it says so on my pill dispenser LOL.
Happy Saturday folks!

Fred, that little blue rocket ship must be fun to drive I bet. Would be fun for an hour or so.

We're getting soaked here in the Carolinas. Been an awfully wet fall. Glad it's not 10° colder!
morning guys, today is my thanksgiving with the kids
Got a couple of these for the grand kids looks like fun. lol
Happy Saturday folks!

Fred, that little blue rocket ship must be fun to drive I bet. Would be fun for an hour or so.

We're getting soaked here in the Carolinas. Been an awfully wet fall. Glad it's not 10° colder!
After I get the scamp built up if he even comes close to beating me I will be pissed.
After I get the scamp built up if he even comes close to beating me I will be pissed.

Oh yeah Fred, we got together last night for Turkey Day leftover cleanup.

Tonight I will have my nephew so we'll be having steaks off the grill, fried onions/mushrooms, cornbread and corn. Food is one of tbe few things he actually gets excited about.

You are having Thanksgiving with the family today aren't you? Have a GREAT day and remember what it's all about!

No worries, that little rice propelled turn will Never hang with the Scamp!
Happy sat men , off to the rink got a full day a head , all the junior reff’s are away that leaves us old guys to do all the games ,it’ll be fun it’s all 9/10 year olds like herding cats ! :canada:
Back home after a long day of chasing grand kids and eating to much. Had a great time!
FOG your gift ideas went over real good thanks.
My dip came in last and I ended up with snow man poop, I switched the marshmallows for ice cubes and used them in my drink. lol
Back home after a long day of chasing grand kids and eating to much. Had a great time!
FOG your gift ideas went over real good thanks.
My dip came in last and I ended up with snow man poop, I switched the marshmallows for ice cubes and used them in my drink. lol
I'm glad you had a good time Fred. Not too many kids (babies) in my life right now. Maybe again some day. One more day of screwing off and back to work.
Fred, my wife said I'm not allowed to get a Toilet Paper gun!

says I am too much of a kid and she'll find toilet paper wads everywhere!
Back home after a long day of chasing grand kids and eating to much. Had a great time!
FOG your gift ideas went over real good thanks.
My dip came in last and I ended up with snow man poop, I switched the marshmallows for ice cubes and used them in my drink. lol
So glad you had a good time , glad I could help Fred !
Fred, my wife said I'm not allowed to get a Toilet Paper gun!

says I am too much of a kid and she'll find toilet paper wads everywhere!
Jeff I had no idea how much fun a toilet paper gun is My daughters house was a mess with little wads of wet toilet paper stuck to the walls and everyone's forehead. The guns would get clogged up some times and had to get the plunger out.
I think my daughter is going to get even with me next time she comes over for the mess me and the grand kids made. lol
Jeff I had no idea how much fun a toilet paper gun is My daughters house was a mess with little wads of wet toilet paper stuck to the walls and everyone's forehead. The guns would get clogged up some times and had to get the plunger out.
I think my daughter is going to get even with me next time she comes over for the mess me and the grand kids made. lol

Be careful, she might give them finger paints at your mouse!
