Leaving for Alberta tomorrow..



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
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Vancouver Island, Canada
I will be leaving for Alberta tomorrow with a friend. We will be looking in numerous towns for either camp jobs or hopefully living out expenses paid for. If anyone in Alberta rig towns knows of any promising work anywhere, please let me know. I am a 4th year electrician, so I will mainly be looking for electrical, but I will really take anything. My friend has been roofing for 12 years but will also take anything. Also if any of you members would be up for meeting up, let me know. Anyways, if you have any leads on jobs or know where to go, please let me know through PMS or calling my cell.

Thanks, Mike Coplin

1 250 240 1511
Work has slowed down in the oil patch lately. Two of my cousins that operate large machenery, who have been working steady in Alberta for the last 15 or 20 years are out of work right now. Another cousin is a driller but I haven't heard from him in a while so I'm not sure how that's been lately. I know they are planning a big pipeline from Hardisty Alberta to Texas. Hardisty has a huge tank farm and has had alot of camp jobs. Might be a place to check out.
I will be leaving for Alberta tomorrow with a friend. We will be looking in numerous towns for either camp jobs or hopefully living out expenses paid for. If anyone in Alberta rig towns knows of any promising work anywhere, please let me know. I am a 4th year electrician, so I will mainly be looking for electrical, but I will really take anything. My friend has been roofing for 12 years but will also take anything. Also if any of you members would be up for meeting up, let me know. Anyways, if you have any leads on jobs or know where to go, please let me know through PMS or calling my cell.

Thanks, Mike Coplin

1 250 240 1511

Is there no work in Vancouver? There is a ton of work (construction) on the East Coast (Fredericton). I am a self employed contractor and have been turning down work almost every day. Probably not the big bucks as the west pays but the cost of living is a whole lot cheaper too. Oh yeah and the women are better looking too.
Mike, you and your buddy should go a little further East to Saskatchewan......the oil patch is booming,as well as the pipe line and construction,both housing and commercial. There are HUGE expansions at all the potash mines(both Mosaic and Potash Corp.)
There are putting up a camp for contractors where I work for a 3 year expansion. Potash Corp is sinking another shaft and Agrium is starting a sloution mine all within a 40 mile radius of me.
Lots of people who left to Alberta after high school are now moving back to the "Gap" :toothy10:
Mike, you and your buddy should go a little further East to Saskatchewan......the oil patch is booming,as well as the pipe line and construction,both housing and commercial. There are HUGE expansions at all the potash mines(both Mosaic and Potash Corp.)
There are putting up a camp for contractors where I work for a 3 year expansion. Potash Corp is sinking another shaft and Agrium is starting a sloution mine all within a 40 mile radius of me.
Lots of people who left to Alberta after high school are now moving back to the "Gap" :toothy10:

I 2nd that, look towards Estavan they can not get workers to build houses , farmers upkeep on out buildings etc

  • Heart of the BAKKEN Oil Play
  • Population increase of 5% since 2006 – fastest growing City in Saskatchewan
  • Proportionally highest number of jobs available in Saskatchewan
  • 2008 Construction values highest on record $41,000,000.00 to date; almost $100,000,000.00 of construction in the last four years
  • New Industrial subdivision to open in 2009
  • 350 acres being added to the City Boundaries in 2009
  • Newly designed Greenspace development in 2009
  • 2nd lowest residential property taxes in Saskatchewan
  • 1.4 Billion dollar carbon capture project at Boundary Dam Power Station in 2009-2012
Please Note: Accommodation may be limited. Please check Chamber Housing Information before relocating to Estevan.
2008 Land Use Planning & Development Background Document
Take A Virtual Tour Of The New Civic​
City of Estevan Employment Opportunities
There are approximately over 1000 advertised jobs and careers available in Estevan and area as well as numerous businesses actively seeking employees that are not advertising. Click on the following links to review the opportunities:
Vision Statement - 2008
The City of Estevan is organized and poised to take advantage of the future with a culture of:
Partnership between all levels of the organization, the public and any business or organization that wants to improve the Community;
Leadership and Courage in innovative and creative solutions believed to be in the interests of the community as a whole:
Planning, where all activities and infrastructure repaired/replaced are completed in a planned manner, where long-range planning is completed on a regular basis and planning documents are considered living, breathing documents;
Prepared and understands that growth is not free;
Efficiency in completing all functions and tasks right;
Effectiveness in completing the right functions and tasks;
Excellence in completing all functions and tasks to the highest level possible.
You be safe and looks like you have many Canadian brothers watching out for ya, enjoy and I hope all goes well for you and your friend Mike :cheers:
............Sask is booming in housing........building contractors r 1 year or more behind.......kindersley, unity north battleford, saskatoon...........kim........
Energy companies here in Alberta were hit with a 20% jump in royalties by the Ed Stelmach Government (thought he needed more money) so energy activity has slowed down. The people/places benefiting from it are North Eastern BC and as mentioned, western Saskatchewan. There are still a few pockets that are still strong in Alberta but for the most part, it's hurting - especially natural gas.
Hey Mike, hope all is well with you. I didn't realise your friend is a roofer, did he bring any of his tools with him? I've been waiting for my roofer to show up for 3 weeks but no word yet. Are you guys still in Ft.Mac? Kev
lol sask is not "booming" we're just merely staying were we've been for years. The "Boom" is simply our steady pace continuing as everyone else slows. Sure there is some growth but it's nothing terribly huge. But the SaskParty government is loving this because they can spin it off like they actually have succeeded in doing something with the province when it's just the province keeping its same steady pace. Good luck with the job hunt.
lol sask is not "booming" we're just merely staying were we've been for years. The "Boom" is simply our steady pace continuing as everyone else slows. Sure there is some growth but it's nothing terribly huge. But the SaskParty government is loving this because they can spin it off like they actually have succeeded in doing something with the province when it's just the province keeping its same steady pace. Good luck with the job hunt.

Sounds like the Alberta Provincial Gov't taking credit for the economy for the last few years as though they had something to do with high energy prices LOL. Kev
my uncle lives in duncan and he says their is tons of work for him

I tried for almost a year to find work in Duncan and had pretty much no luck. Figures Canadian Tire phoned and wanted to hire me in the auto shop but I was in the middle of moving.
Well guys, I got my awaited camp job. I start next Monday at the Albian Sands site, working for Flint Energy. Being camp, I am provided with accomodations, meals, etc. My shift is 14 days in, 7 out, and they fly me back and forth to wherever I want to go every time. Wish me luck.
Good to hear Mike.

I live in Duncan, there are some large construction projects going on , but most of the const companiesa are from out of town....gotta love the "Local stimulas programs". Housing has slowed somewhat though.
Well guys, I got my awaited camp job. I start next Monday at the Albian Sands site, working for Flint Energy. Being camp, I am provided with accomodations, meals, etc. My shift is 14 days in, 7 out, and they fly me back and forth to wherever I want to go every time. Wish me luck.

Good for you Mike and living in a camp you maybe able to save the lions share of your paycheque. Flints a good company but like any of the other contract construction companies they're only as good as the people that run it. A word to the wise. The RCMP run undercover in those big camps to try to nail the drug runners, and there's tons of drugs in those camps, and they especially watch the newbies. So keep your nose clean and watch your back not only in camp but on the worksite.

Excellent to hear Mike! Say goodbye to the camper. Great advice demonseed, hate to turn a great opportunity into a bad experience. Kev
Good for you Mike and living in a camp you maybe able to save the lions share of your paycheque. Flints a good company but like any of the other contract construction companies they're only as good as the people that run it. A word to the wise. The RCMP run undercover in those big camps to try to nail the drug runners, and there's tons of drugs in those camps, and they especially watch the newbies. So keep your nose clean and watch your back not only in camp but on the worksite.


That is good advice, thank you Terry. Fortunatly, I am not into any of that stuff, and never have been, so the fact that I don't even want any in the first place might help me out.