
I just discovered them and I am taking to them like chrome takes to hubcaps ......I can see why they are so popular ...I used to hear about legos but never knew what they were all about. :D
Legos are the shiznit! As a kid I could never keep a kit together, I build it and a w days later it would be part of another creation from my imagination. A few of us used to have contests to build the most indestructible Lego vehicle. We would build them and crash them together as hard as we could. All day long to find the toughest Lego. :)
Been playing with them for as long as I can remember, started with the basic sets, then moved onto the Technic sets. Still have a box in the garage that's around 4x4x6 just full of them. Even went so far as to have a friend that went to Australia bring me back a fully pneumatic backhoe that you cant get in the states.