Lets go for a ride



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Washington state
In my buddy's race beater 69 RoadRunner.
10.5 440
cleaned up Eddy heads
.560 .570 256°/264° @.050
RPM intake
5400 converter

6.9 @ 97
1.48 60 ft

Let me know when you plan to be at Renegade on a Sunday. I'll come down if I don't have to be in Portland for a doctors appointment.
Let me know when you plan to be at Renegade on a Sunday. I'll come down if I don't have to be in Portland for a doctors appointment.

Not sure if I'll make it out on a sunday, but I'll let you know when I get over there. Putting a trans brake in the car this week.
Won't make it for that one, they are laying down new concrete. Place will need at least a race or two before it hooks again.
Won't make it for that one, they are laying down new concrete. Place will need at least a race or two before it hooks again.
***** gonna hit the fan when you let go off your new trans brake. hopefully not parts.
Nice ride!
Thanks for all 3 of them videos.
I have become obsessed with mopar rear end loading. I would like to pick your brain a little bit.
first off the launch, just don't look like you are planting the tire/suspension that much. but when you look at the underside video...O Yeah it loading!!!!!
I found it odd that you would have heavy duty spring clamps on the back side of the leaf spring. But after watching the video a few times that made sense.
At first glance i when, ok, not stock suspension. It has caltracs, but them are no caltracs. So them i'm thinking your running a floater and bars that attach to the frame. Nope no floater.
Do them bars attach to the frame or do they pivet like a caltrac?
Stock leaf spring?.......what's the theory behind your set up.

I know everyone is just enjoying your video and i have to get technical.:poke::D
Its my buddy's car. Those bars are home built caltracs. The clamps are just something he put on there without much thought put into it. He usually launches at 3000+ off a 2 step, but this pass he tried 2500 foot braking and wow what a difference. Car hooked very well. The chassis at 3000 RPM loads up way too much, thus killing all the chassis reaction. Its amazing what you can learn from some well placed cameras
Its amazing what you can learn from some well placed cameras
If you look close the rear section is bowing excessive at that point. that was my theory as to why they are clamped there.

Makes me wonder if a caltrac and a like setup don't try to make a u/ bend in the bow of the back half of the spring.
The front is basically locked solid........... but then again that's what the rear shackle is for. just thinking/ typing out loud.