Leukemia / Lymphoma fund raiser



A-Bodies Rule!
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio TX
Hi all,
My co-workers at I are walking in Oct to support and raise money for Leukemia / Lymphoma research. I know times are tough with the economy but if you can donate even a $1.00 that would be great... The walk is Oct 24 and I'll post pics after the walk is complete.

Here is the site to donate.... (or if you live in SA and would like to walk with us please feel free)


Welcome to my Light The Night Walk homepage.

Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's evening walk and fundraising event. It is the nation's night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of people battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones lost.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) funds lifesaving research that has contributed to major advances in the treatment of blood cancers and treatments for other types of cancer, such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplants. These treatments have helped patients live better, longer lives. New targeted therapies that kill cancer cells without harming normal tissue are providing drugs and procedures that are improving quality of life.

* A donation of $25 provides patients and their loved ones with FREE booklets that contain up-to-date information on their disease and help them make informed decisions about their treatment options.
* A donation of $50 makes possible a Family Support group with a trained facilitator where comfort can be found and experiences can be shared among patients and family members.
* A donation of $100 helps supply laboratory researchers with supplies and materials critical to carrying out their search for cures.
* A donation of $1,000 makes possible one- on-one conversations with health care specialists who provide patients with information about their disease, treatment options, and helps prepare them with questions for their health care team.

Please make a donation to support my participation in the Light The Night Walk and help save lives. Be sure to check my Web site frequently to see my progress, and thanks for your support!

Tammy Piburn

Last Edited on: 07/21/2009
