Lights for gauge cluster


/6 Matt

30 Degrees Crooked
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
Lincolnton, NC
I don't know what is called but where can I buy one of these little black plastic socket thingies?


NAPA stores carry those sockets. Take a sample with you since there are several sizes to choose from.
While you have those out it would be wise to clean the fexible circut board contact areas. If you take the cluster apart you can access the circut board by itself. As crazy as it sounds catsup cleans it real well. All you need to do is the contact areas.
Please dont tell people to use products containing salt to clean copper. I dont know how this got started.
Anything acidic like vinegar will clean the copper. Salt will accererate oxidation and produce that lovely green patina also known as Retsyn.
Simply scuff the copper contacts lightly with scotch-bright pad.
considering the fact that cleaning the contact require removal of the cluster (or so I just gathered from what was said) I'd rather not even worry about all that.
Please dont tell people to use products containing salt to clean copper. I dont know how this got started.
Anything acidic like vinegar will clean the copper. Salt will accererate oxidation and produce that lovely green patina also known as Retsyn.
Simply scuff the copper contacts lightly with scotch-bright pad.

Noted and stored for future.