Little $250 69 Valiant

4mulaSvaliant what color is your engine? I havent been able to find that shade, everything I buy seems to be a darker mopar blue for the newer mopar small blocks, is that paint made by plasiticote?
To be honest, Im not even sure what brand it was. Im sure it was from the local parts store though. Ill see if they carry it still and let you know. I do know it is "Mopar Blue" though.

Thanks A68 !! It should look great with a little filler. I have tried really hard not to use filler, but its nearly impossible not to. Not to mention the fact that this isn't some high dollar build that every one is watching either, so Im just doing the best I can and moving right along. Im a bit of a perfectionist so its hard to let even the minor things slide. Off to get more done tomorrow.
Ohhh, solved another big issue I have had forever! So my pass. side brake light and turn signal. have not worked for as long as I can remember (keep in mind my car hasn't been driven regularly since 1997).
So, because its going to get inspected today, I had to make sure it was fixed in order to pass. Well long story short, I tested the wires for power and they led me to the turn signal switch. I just replaced it and figured there is no way it can be the problem. Well I was wrong, but here is why, they switch I bought was apparently a cheapo version, so I actually had to use part of my original. The part with the contacts. So I checked and had a good voltage TO the switch, but not coming out of it. I pulled the top piece off of the switch (which is the part that returns it after you turn the steering wheel) and realized I never cleaned the contacts. So that's where I figured PART of the problem was. I cleaned them up and tried it.
It helped but didn't completely fix it. (intermittent) Now I realized that when I held pressure on the contact areas, it was fixed. So I pulled the top piece back off, bent the spring parts so they had more tension on them and Eureka! It works great!
Something I found odd... The brake lights will not work if this stuff is not in working condition.
Just thought I'd share!
4mula, the T/S switch is also the brake light cancel switch. you know, the left signal works even if the brake is depressed. the brake light power is ran through the switch first. when you turn the signal on the flasher circuit is connected to the same element in the bulb that the brake light uses.
I burned 3/4 of a tank outta the poor thing yesterday! I was all over VB! It was great to be out driving in it after so many years.

Rick did you make it to Pembroke yesterday? Neighbor took his 62' Impala 409 and put it in the show.

Well Im off to drive around some more today after I get the weekend stuff done. Gotta mow the grass, and what not.
Later guys!!!!
Another day of wasting gas! Stayed home a bit more than yesterday, but that was just to do a bit of cleaning up on the Valiant. I had some exhaust work done the other day. As you all know, the headers on these things can be quite a pain. Well the idler arm, and center link were resting on the header. I had them "dimple" the headers to clear. It helped but didnt solve it all. I couldnt take it back right away cause they treated me really good price wise. Didnt have the balls to go back and say it wasnt quite good enough! LOL
I got under it to find out where it was still hitting and it turns out that the passenger side pipe is only about a 1/4" from the trans cross member. When I give it gas and the motor torques, it moves that little bit and rests against the cross member and it resonates through the whole body. Really sounds bad. Fortunately it doesnt do it once you are up to a cruising speed or atleast once the RPMs are steady.
Either way, I am loving the fact that I can jump in it and just go! She may not be pretty yet, but at least I can enjoy it! Not only that, now that I can take it where ever I need, its a bit easier to get it to the places I need, in order to finish the remaining work. Mainly a friends house for the use of the welder, and then a friends Hot Rod shop in order to shoot it!
Erin (wife) took a ride in it on saturday, and was proven wrong as she thought it was an old pile. After we were in it for about 10 min. she said, "Wow, This rides really nice!" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you got that right! I have put a lot of work into it! Just looks rough still!!!!
So Ill be taking it to work tomorrow, where they will be proven wrong as well! It has become the office joke that my car is a Myth! I have been talking about it for 2 years and they have yet to see it! Not really the "unveiling" look I had hoped for, but we are all engineers so they know it has to be made pretty after its made functional! LOL

Later guys! Im on cloud 9 right now about my car and lovin every bit of it! Im sure Ill have a hard time getting to sleep again!
Repaired the passenger side quarter today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally. That was one of the last big hurtles I had before really getting to work on the body. I have maybe one more day of serious body repair (welding holes up), then I can get to work with filler and panel alignment. After that its paint time!!!! Man will this have been a long time coming! This thing has never had a decent paint job on it since I have owned it. That would be from about 1994/95 something like that!
It has always desperately needed paint.
Well unfortunately, I have made next to NOprogress on the Valiant lately. The rear decided it was time to give me trouble and now Im in the middle of swapping the SG out for an open carrier. I know not the greatest swap but at least Ill be back on the road.
Plans include , dare I say it.............. an 8.8 Ford rear dif. I can do the swap for under 300.00 and end up with large bolt pattern and rear disc brakes! Very cool for the long term of my project.

I need to gte my butt out in the garage and get the rear put back together so I can get started on the body again!

I think I can, I think I can! LOL
OK here we go again, as you all know: Life first, car second! LOL
Im gonna try to drag this thread and my lazy butt outta the dirt now and get my but moving on my Valiant again.
I haven't been on FABO for so long that I have lost my "presence" LOL
I popped into the chat room, said hi, and didn't get the response I used to! Just a bunch of semi new people, that didn't know me! Not cool! SO...... I'm back....well I hope, or Ill try at least!

SO the car is at my sister in laws since they have a garage big enough to do the body work. I have stripped the entire drivers side of all paint and body work, and started aligning panels and making everything fit right!
So now my plan is to go over once a week at a bare min. and see if I can get paint on this poor car in the spring!
Wish me luck guys!
I don't know how many times I have to kick start this, but Ill keep doin' it til' shes done!
Well I pimarily tried to fix mother natures work. I have had a rough few months concerning my Daily Driver. On my 3rd motor in less than a month! Had a rod start knocking, bought a used motor, ran beautifully for 2 days, then started knocking, bought a 3rd motor and (knock wood) she has been running great!
Damn Chevy!
Anyhow, I worked on getting all of the surface rust back off and treated. Mother nature took its toll! Anyhow, sanded it all back off and treated it with Ospho today and then began lining up panels so I can move on to the body filler phase.
Heres a few update pics from today.
Oh and a pic of the "Column skirt" I made to get rid of the column shift junk.


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69 looks much better than '67. I should try to find front peaces for my 'Ant. Lets see results end of this week.

Nice Valiant, and yours flipflop idea is very nice. I buy year ago Classic Austin Mini Flipflop because its smaller. Looks same what they use in AC Cobra.

Keep up good work.:cheers:
Looks good can you post a better pic of the column cover?
Looks good! Don't lose patience. Just work on it when you can. The car is really coming around.
Well today I gathered up a few more tools I thought I had and took them with me. I also dropped by and borrowed my dads Fluxcore wire feed welder. Not my first choice for the tasks I have to do, but itll get the job done with a bit more care on my part.
So today I decided to see if I could close some of the gap between the top, front section of the door, meeting the Cowl area.
The gap was HUGE compared to the passenger side, and I have everything lined up and it didnt help....So.....I decided to build it up and shape it out! Not 100% done shaping but it looks far better than it did!
I plan to fill a few more gaps like this and plug some emblem holes, and then go to town sanding and filling!

Before and After


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Have a tad bit of rust where pine needles and dirt had settled for nine years! That and water didnt help at all! as you can see, it has been pouring right through the hole and into the trunk! Fortunately it hasn't caused major rust in the trunk!

Hey by the way... Has anyone "smoothed" this area out in the upper corners of the trunk seal area?
The way my car sat for years (with a little "rake" to the front) made the water pool up in the corners because there is actually a lot of area for it to happen. Im thinking I may try to combat this a little with either seal sealer or, since I have to replace all this sheet metal I may just weld in a simpler piece that will shed water toward the back of the car and down the drip area next to the seal.
Anyone tried to "help" that area?


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Sireland67: I have a thread called "Another 4mulasvaliant creation" if I remember correctly. I have mine installed but need to revise the orig. design then I may try to sell them.