Little Johnny....



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Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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The elementary school teacher is giving a math lesson.

"There are 10 birds on a fence. If I shoot one, how many are left?"

Little Johnny answers, "none."

The teacher asks "How did you figure that out, Johnny?"

Replies Johnny, "As soon as you shoot the gun, the rest of the birds will fly away."

Says the teacher, "The correct answer is 9, but I like the way you think".

Says Johnny, "I'd like to ask you a question. 3 young women order ice cream cones. The first woman slowly licks it. The second woman bites into it, and the third woman puts the whole thing in her mouth. Which woman is the newlywed?"

Quite embaressed by the question, the teacher reluctantly answers "I guess it's the woman who just licks the ice cream cone."

"Actually, says Johnny, it's the one with the wedding ring. but I like the way you think."