little work buddy



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
orlando FL
Ok here is the story..

I'm out in the garage last night working on the ruster when the wife calls (she is visiting her mother for a couple of weeks) :) and low and behold a little raccoon wanders around the side of the house. eh didn't think too much of it. (lot of wildlife here in Orlando, FL couple of weeks ago saw a deer out behind the house) Went back to talking to the wife ....then all I hear is my friend say..."HOLY SH!$" so looked into the garage where he was sitting and hello!!!!

everyone wants in on the action :)

looks like he wants a ride!! :toothy10:

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Cute little guy but he's probably acting as a decoy while the rest of his family is cleaning out your fridge :-D
yeah, cute little bugger..the thing would just not leave. I ended up having to coax him out of the garage with some cat food (and I fired up the car)....who knew that raccoons can move so fast :)
Player, just a heads-up on the raccoons. Most of the ones down in Sebastian/Vero area have rabies. Thats when they start acting strange. Mike
What ever you do. Don't start feeding him. He could come back
and start tearing up the place looking for more. He could also
bring his frends along.
Cute little guy but he's probably acting as a decoy while the rest of his family is cleaning out your fridge :-D
I think Rob hit a home run by saying what is really going on.
Do not invite a start of a posible problem.
Do you have children ? It is possible there is 5 to 10 more hiding and waiting for a good opportunity. I love nature and like being good to them too ,

But don't give them more then they need, Our you could have a problem before you know it. I would hope I am wrong so enjoy.8)
That's just a little guy......I think he just got booted from home by his size. I agree with the other guys on not feeding him....he'll tear up a garage real quick looking for food.