lock cylinder removal -- not the same old issue



Apr 9, 2023
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Getting the basics out of the way: It's a 1972 340 Duster, column shifted automatic.

I need to fix some accumulated hackery in the steering column, and was going to clean paint and grease things anyway. So, this should have been easy - other than drifting out pins that have been in place for maybe 50-years. Things were going smoothly, and I was expecting to just push the pin down and extract the lock cylinder. Imagine my surprise at having it held in by a little metal fin. No amount of internet sleuthing got me anywhere. Though it will move a bit in different key positions, rotating the key every which way, I still can't get it to retract.


There's nothing new under the sun, so I'm sure someone's seen this and dealt with it. What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance,
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Doh! What a maroon. Not a word about not leaving the key on in the FSM...

Thanks Demonic. Sometimes the obvious stuff is only obvious after you've been told.
:) It happens to all of us. Spent 10 minutes looking for a tool that was in my back pocket once.
. Not a word about not leaving the key on in the FSM
That is so odd. They say to remove in the "acc to on" position which would require it to to have the key in.

The only position would be the "lock" position where the key would not be in.
They say to remove in the "acc to on" position which would require it to to have the key in.

The only position would be the "lock" position where the key would not be in.
I know, right? But, took the key out, depressed the pin - and away we (it) went.

Help like this is exactly why I stopped lurking and started an account.
That is so odd. They say to remove in the "acc to on" position which would require it to to have the key in.

The only position would be the "lock" position where the key would not be in.
I'm assuming the key position would be to depress the locking blade allowing you slide the cylinder outwards a ways. Then, removing the key would allow it to be fully removed.....Just speculating.