Looking for a 1970/1971 duster



New Member
Sep 26, 2015
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Hi, just joined the site thanks for the add

I am currently looking for a complete 1970 or 1971 Duster. A little history: I own and operate a small trucking company with my dad and wife. My dad will be 60 this year and has done so much for me both with the business and personally, that I want to give something back to him. He is at the point of slowing down but doesn't really want to so I need to get him something to enjoy in life. He always talks about the 1971 duster he had, he wont buy one for himself so i want to get one for him, I sold one of my semis and kept some money back to do so. I am looking or one that is complete basically ready to go up and down the road without much or any wrench work needed. Please let me know what you have I am in no hurry but would like one before next spring. I am from canada but am willing to travel anywhere for the right car. I would like to find a V8 car auto or standard, nice paint/body etc. Thanks in advance for the help/leads.
Check Kijiji, there is a few on the Ontario site. The H-Code, 340 cars are all in the area of $25k.