lost my job


crazy 340

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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quebec canada
the title said it all

my boss annonce me yesterday afternoon they dont need me anymore
the will get a tech advisor at 13$ per hour instead of me

I have one month after that I dont know what I will do
with 2 kids at home man I really dont know
Man, sorry to hear that.. Thats a tough loss... Its a long ways away but the company I work for is hiring..Load up the family and move to Texas and enjoy this Texas heat...
in the same boat bro, just lost my 3 1/2 year position , got laid off. collecting unemployment, cant find **** . not a job to be had right now. hope you find something.
Very tough times right now. Sorry to hear.
Not sure if it is an option take the cut buy some time but at least you'll have work and start looking. What is your trade?
the title said it all

my boss annonce me yesterday afternoon they dont need me anymore
the will get a tech advisor at 13$ per hour instead of me

I have one month after that I dont know what I will do
with 2 kids at home man I really dont know

So sorry to hear. I know it's very tough to consider but maybe think about moving to a better prospect area. It's a sad state of affairs when a company that already has a good man like you thinks it's further ahead to hire someone new for a little less money. It's your boss who needs to move on not you. Dan
I too am sorry to hear this. There is a very helpful thread called 'Layoff Survival Guide' that ramcharger posted a while back, definately worth a look.
in the same boat bro, just lost my 3 1/2 year position , got laid off. collecting unemployment, cant find **** . not a job to be had right now. hope you find something.

Least you got unemployment, its tough as heck to get it here in Michigan. The courts are all on the state side to save the state money. The few judges that have been cool in the past are mostly gone, yep. The state can decide the court district has too many judges and cut the numbers. So now they are all worry of losing their job and most always rule on the state side not to pay out.

Its hard to build up any time at one company, they look for a reason to get rid of you so you don't ever get a raise. They just replace you and get off paying unemployment.

I was in Saginaw yesterday, that place has gone to poop. It was never fancy even when times were good, today place after place is gone out of business, homes are 50% vacant. Went in to a 7/11 and some lady is at the counter with a big zip lock bag of pennies trying to buy a pack of smokes.

They say its getting better, not here in Michigan its not !
That is crap. Always the problem when the bean counters run the show. Hope you can find something soon. See if you are eligible for retraining maybe?

Man sorry to hear just remember one door closes and another will open be ready to stick out your foot when it does.I know its no help but for some dumb *** reason mom has not been wrong yet.
That is crap. Always the problem when the bean counters run the show. Hope you can find something soon. See if you are eligible for retraining maybe?


Exactly the bean counters tell the bosses to outsource the jobs to contractors so they don't have to pay benefits and "save money".

It's "Rent an Employee"...

Sorry to hear. It's just like big companies. Use you till they don't need you and then kick you to the curb.
Least you got unemployment, its tough as heck to get it here in Michigan. The courts are all on the state side to save the state money. The few judges that have been cool in the past are mostly gone, yep. The state can decide the court district has too many judges and cut the numbers. So now they are all worry of losing their job and most always rule on the state side not to pay out.

Its hard to build up any time at one company, they look for a reason to get rid of you so you don't ever get a raise. They just replace you and get off paying unemployment.

I was in Saginaw yesterday, that place has gone to poop. It was never fancy even when times were good, today place after place is gone out of business, homes are 50% vacant. Went in to a 7/11 and some lady is at the counter with a big zip lock bag of pennies trying to buy a pack of smokes.

They say its getting better, not here in Michigan its not !
i was able to do it all online. i was only approved for 7,000 bucks, and you have to have worked 40 hours a week for the last full year. i was lucky that my ex-boss approved it, which he didnt have to. Colorado unemployment is through the roof and it sucks here as well.
Sorry to hear about your job loss. And the horrors of a few folks unemployment battles.
.............Sorry to hear .........the place i worked at for 8 years closed their doors last september..........I'm looking at job offers...................kim.......
That sucks butt. I hope you find somethin soon.
i hope you guys find something soon!

meanwhile in china... we are paying another price for freedom. although 1,000,000 men and women have died to protect freedom over the past 235 years or so here, we are now paying an economic cost. slave laborers, yes i mean that word, in china, are unfairly outbidding us for work.


there are plenty of articles about it, but the workers for Foxconn live in "dormitory housing" work 6 days a week, often 12 hour shifts and can be awakened in the middle of the night to work extra if needed.

we here are paying a price for our freedom. that is just my opinion
Where about's in Québec are you, maybe I can help you somehow...send me a pm
i hope you guys find something soon!

meanwhile in china... we are paying another price for freedom. although 1,000,000 men and women have died to protect freedom over the past 235 years or so here, we are now paying an economic cost. slave laborers, yes i mean that word, in china, are unfairly outbidding us for work.


there are plenty of articles about it, but the workers for Foxconn live in "dormitory housing" work 6 days a week, often 12 hour shifts and can be awakened in the middle of the night to work extra if needed.

we here are paying a price for our freedom. that is just my opinion
Its more then just cheaper labor, its no EPA or OSHA in China, makes the cost of doing business much cheaper.

Things need to change over here--soon
You have 2 choices. Stop moaning and feeling sorry for yourself get out and find a job or get some insurance put it in your kids names and shoot yourself in the head. Be a man stop all the boohoo stuff. Nobody is going to hold your hand. Steve

WTF? Try putting yourself in his shoes and see how you feel.