Lower Gas Prices in the Future?...



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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University of Michigan economists suspect that oil prices per barrel will drop to $50 a barrel, I sure hope they are right, although it may be awhile from now. Here is the link.


Anyone up for drilling in Alaska screw what the tree huggers say. I'll personally kill every elk, bison, antelope, and elephant in Alaska if that means cheaper gas.
If you read much on it there is NO suuppy shortage, we are actully makeing more oil now then before.

Its all fears. Fears that the Chineese will eat it all up and fear s of problems in the middle east etc.

Dont need to destroy a park for the stuff there slots to be found. The Ft McMurry oilsand north east of where I live is said to have more oil production in it then the Saudi oilfields.

The Canadian goverenment just has more the 20% tax on our gas so its more expensive up here.
The reason why I mentioned Alaska is because I would prefer that America become less dependent on foriegn oil. The fact that America has large oil reserves and we are not allowed to access them because of some animals bothers me. Instead we give large amounts of money to countries that sponser terrorism, and decide when our economy will go flat. I wonder how much of the $55 I put in my gas tank this week could go towards a terrorist attack on America or some other Westernized country.

I know my analogy is a little extreme and somewhat unlogical. But think what countries are a part of OPEC, and which one help to fund terrorism while caputring scape goats(martyrs) for the whole world to see.
I'd like to see how much of the gas you put in your car comes from american oil and how much american oil is sold offshores.