Marriage? Worst part.


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
This information is an attempt to make those that are considering marriage to realize what they may be getting themselves into. Now before you say i already know, you don't. Some of you veterans in divorce may think you know, but you don't either so i'm here to clue you in.( In My Opinion). We all consider, at least most of us, ourselves to be a pretty good judge of character and people and our spouse is the only relative that any of us are able to pick. Chew that for awhile. Many of us here have elected, over the years, to change relatives on several occasions. Probably very costly. I changed once back when i was very young. It lasted about 6 months due to family sticking their nose where it didn't belong. The X and i get along just fine and speak often when we see each other and her brothers are good friends of mine but to get on with this, we all have spats and dissagreements with one another and some get over it and some don't, but the very worst part of marraige for me is going to be.......having lived with a lady you have grown to love, be your best friend for 50, 60 yrs or so and you have become accustomed to waking up and saying either good morning or get lost, which ever. You get use to the toothpaste being in the correct location or knowing the car will pull in the garage about 5:18 after work and if not they have called to let you know they'll be late because they stopped by to see the grandson. The worst part is that some day that will not happen and will all go away instantly. No you can't call her when the car don't arrive at 5:18. You can't write her a letter asking how she's doing. No phone calls to check on her..........DONE.....ZIP....If you've shed a tear over's alright. I have. Marriage is still GOOD with a FRIEND.
Small Block
After 30 years and tears together with my wife I know it is a two way street.
She is not into cars bars or fishing, she has her own things in life she enjoys.
We support each other's like's in life and it is good to get away from each other know and then, It makes us happy to see each other happy.
And if anyone is in a marriage that is unlike this and they care only for there own need's, Do like Coyote Jack said.
No Sharpie she hasn't. My friend and lover lives here with me. I just have a bad habit of thinking in far out places and this usually results in my being more thankful for what i have and try and pass it along.
Barring a freak accident, that pain will be my wife's to bear. Her family lives to 100, mine less than 70 but I do hope to break that magic number, if I do I will be the first male ever in my family.
This subject has come up with my wife and I a few times lately. I am 40, she is 37. We have been married for 4 years, and neither of us had been married before. For a few reasons, we decided not to have children: our age, she has stomach/intestene/gall bladder issues that would make pregnancy extremely difficult and I have back problems including rhumatoid arthritus and pinched nurves. My Aunt passed away from cancer and my uncle was devistated. He had his daughters to lean on and look to for comfort. My wife made the comment that when we get old, we will have no one to take care of us and when one of us passes, we will have no one to comfort us. Ever since she said that I look at things differently.
Good post, Bill. My wife IS my best friend. Knew her for 8 years before we were married. Been married 13 years in July. She's a Mopar nut, too. Likes going to car shows, swap meets, etc. If I were to lose her I'd probably suck start my 45.
Jesus, this is a really depressing subject. I can relate to what everyone is saying though. I had a child with a woman that I did not even know yet. We were on our way to become friends. But it just was not long enough. We tried to make it work. But it just didn't. So I moved out. We get along a little better now that we can attempt to become friends. But I've always just screwed myself when It comes to relationships. Always. So we'll see if we can become better friends. And maybe we will give it another shot. I dont know. I do know that I'll never get married.
You know, i have always said that if i were to have been a teacher of students in our schools i would have hoped to teach them but one thing.....and that is to THINK. If they can think, they can handle the rest of it. I hope that's what i've triggered here.
No Sharpie she hasn't. My friend and lover lives here with me. I just have a bad habit of thinking in far out places and this usually results in my being more thankful for what i have and try and pass it along.
i'm 39 been married for 20 years My wife is the reason
I live..glad to see others who appreciate spouses
Seems alot of people out there just don't get "IT" and that's too bad for them~:thumbup:
Here is Small Block's humble and beautiful wife and that would be mine to here left. You can see know why Bill and I are happy men.:thumbup:
I am in trouble know


Small Block good thread!
It really make you sit down and think.
My wife and I are best friends also. We enjoy doing things together.
She likes to go to car shows with me and I go to plays with her you know
I even enjoy them.
We'll be married 14 years in August. I waited a long time to find the right one.
And I'm glad I did.
I don't know what I would do with out her.
Great thread Bill. Great to see other guys here that appreciate their wives as much as I do mine. I don't know how I'd live without her and I believe she feels the same about me which is a great feeling. Marriage is a 2 way street and does require some work from both parties cause we're all different. We've been married 16 yrs. and I wouldn't take back one minute of it even though the first couple were a little rough. Those rough ones will bring you closer, if you let it.
I am married to an immigrant from the Ukraine, have been for 11+ years. I don't find it all that unusual, but I get some pretty funny questions-"How much did it cost?", "Does she speak english?", "Is her family in the mafia?," and "Does she have any hot,single friends?" are pretty standard. Most of the time she has a sense of humor about it, but other times...I can laugh it off most of the time because it's obvious the person asking doesn't know me all that well or doesn't have any couth (for the record-I met my wife through mutual friends, she speaks 3 languages, momma is a retired math professor, pop is a retired engineer, her brother owns a dental clinic 20 minutes away, and -as far as I know- my wife doesn't have a mail-order bride business). Neither one of us would be who we are with out the other, but we would keep functioning for the sake of our kids. All I can say is pick your partner well,work together, and make as good a life as possible.
I appreciate your photos, memike. We have communicated enough to know that you are a man of character....and so are all the others who have participated on this thread.
I could not imagine life without my Ellen. I call her Ellie Bear because she is my sugar bear. She is also my best friend, my lover, my confidant and my partner. She supports all that I do and vice-versa. She is a woman who wakes up happy every single day and goes to bed the same way. We never miss a good night kiss in bed and an "I love you". Anytime I'm a stinker, (yeah, I'm human) she is quick to forgive and I do the same. I have always felt that a successful marriage is the union of two forgivers. We have made it a point to never go to bed angry and that is when all stress is put to rest. We never get up in the morning and start it all over again. I enjoy getting up at 5:00 am and fixing her breakfast and a lunch to take to her job at school and then driving her to her carpool rendezvous. I look forward to picking her up every afternoon and driving her home and seeing that her needs are met once we get there. She loves the cars and helps me work on them. We have never had a fight over money! She has welded, fabricated and painted. She has adjusted carburetors and even valves. She loves to rebuild carbs with me and even enjoys the rotten task of scraping off the severely stuck Holley jet block gaskets! We pray together at every meal and we read the Bible. God is part of our family and we know we are part of His. I am retired but Ellie Bear has a way to go. She is 17-years younger than me so she will be able to push my wheel chair! I am proud of my lovely wife. If you have what I have, life is good against all odds.
Like Rob sort of said, wives usually out last us.
I’m in pretty good shape.
I have nagging my wife of 28 years to quite smoking, loose weight and start exercising.
I have told her that if she doesn’t, barring the unseen, the only thing I will have one day is a photograph of her. We have lived long enough to know people that have died early because of that type of self-destructive behavior. The doctor told me last month at my physical that "nagging does work".
She doesn’t like me nagging. She will just have to be unhappy.
Seen this yet?
Here's one thing to avoid!!! When she asks, Honey if something happens to me would you ever get married again? THERE IS NO ANSWER !!! What ever you say is wrong, RUN!
My wife is my best friend for sure. We both are car nuts, love cruise inns, shows and swap meets. We vacation when possible, fish and even go hunting. We have been married 16 years nearly 17, there have been some really rough spots in the mid years. I would not trade them for anything. You never know when your time is up so live it like the last day. Remember "Everyday is not a Right, it is a Gift".:clock:
I asked my wife to marry me the day after I met her. Yes... The very next day. It has been a damn fine 2 years and I only see things getting better as the years roll on.

It was how she laughed after we left 2, 100' black marks in the street from the Barracuda. She told me she thought it could be faster... That and her two giant, well formed, round, firm..... Hold on here..... Um.... Back to the subject....

Anyway... I was 38 and she was 42. Life is good.
I always tell young people thinking about getting married that you don't have to "love" your wife but you damn better well like her. The lovey dovey stuff wears out fast. You better like her like you do you dog, cat, best friend and that marraige is the ultimate lesson in compromise. Get that right and you should have a successful marraige imo.
Wow,very nice to see guys who appreciate their wives as much as i do,she (Valerie) IS the single best thing to ever happen to me,i was honored the day i said "I DO"..then she gave me 2 beautiful little girls..and she and my girls love the is good:-D:-D
kzcountry, I couldn't have said it better. Tomorrow is promised to no one.
Excellent thread Small Block. My wife is my best friend too, it has to be that way for a marriage to make it and for both to enjoy their lives together. Apr. 16, will make 27yrs. for us. Planning to take her to some historical sites in Springfield, and enjoy a day together.

I'm in the Memorial business, so I meet a lot of people at that stage of their lives. You can tell the ones who were friends from the ones who were just living out their vows. For the ones who were friends it is devastating, It's like they have lost half of themselves and they don't know what to do. That's when good friends are needed just to listen, that seems to be the thing they need most is just to be able to talk to someone.

From my experience the best thing to do is like everything else in life, plan ahead.