May not be aroun for a bit.



Mopar Or No Car
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Springfield, Oregon
Well it seems the g/f and I are parting ways. So not too sure how much I will be able to get on here for a while after Thrus. So I guess when i do get back On I wil have a loot to catch up on.
Hope you are doing ok and find your way back to us here at fabo man.
You have been allot of fun here! and I have enjoyed your two cars and the work you have dun to them, Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on friend.
We will be waiting your return. :blob:
Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can get a computer setup once you get settled and get back on. Hope all works out for you. Mike
Thanks guys. Yeah I wil miss being on here. Hopefully it won't be to long. Where I am moving to they just took their computer out and took it to someones else house. So maybe when I get moved in they will bring it back and I can it hooked back up on the internet soon.
might have to abstain from making a couple car part purchases to get yer own `puter ;-)

good luck, hurry back. keep yer chin up.
Yeah, sorry to hear that. Hope all goes well. See ya back soon.
Yeah, hopefully I won't be gone too long. And as for the break up. I think I will be iok as i found out what she truly is, and she isn't someone I would want to spend my life with,. I have better morals and values.
Better to find out now instead of after you are married and a bunch of kids!! Good luck and keep your head up.