Mecum Harisburg

I know they were pretty disappointed in what the Landy cars brought.
I was surprised they "only" got $200 K for the 68
It's an original.
I saw a clone from Zanesville, Ohio a couple years ago for $375 K
68 was a bargain.
I saw the half hour Mecum show on Petty’s cars, it was interesting. Werner knew he had either Richard’s Or Pete Hamilton’s. Found some old interior photos and was able to identify it as Richard’s by where some weld points were. Dick fuckin’ Tracy right there!
I was there till 2:00pm the crowd went wild when they fired up Petty’s NASCAR Hemi Superbird. Bid was not enough so I don’t think it sold. Talk about workmanship. Nice. Off on a road trip to Pueblo, CO tomorrow.
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What’s in Pueblo? I was born there, moved to California two weeks later, only went back once for a couple days. That was 62 years ago!
My Daughter and her family. I brought her and the kids to SC while her husband is away on guard duty. They love it there. It has been quite the road trip, especially with 3 kids between 1 1/2 to 7. But they are good, we started in Pittsburgh and made it to Goodland KS.