Michael Jackson Not Guilty!



FABO Administrator
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Apr 24, 2005
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Chicago, Illinois
Michael Jackson Not Guilty!

Michael Jackson was found Not guilty across the board on all charges.......

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There ya go hay. Let your $$$$$$ do the talking for ya. Christ, any of us would be shot just for the booze part ordeal. Supply to under age drinkers :evil3:
First OJ....Then Robert Blake.... now this....

What the hell is wrong with you Californians?
I guess if "the underwear doesn't fit they must Acquit " I have spent 19 years in law enforcement and have never imagined so many felony cases be blown. These where not little possession of pot charges, you are talking murder and sex with a minor. I guess if you are or where famous and live in Ca. you will be found innocent.
It sound like a lot of hi-$$$$$$ BS to me. Heck you cant even drive a car any more with out getting a seat belt ticket. And this ---what ever he is can get charged all that and not even get a fine of any sort!!!!!!!!!!
Well I don't know the whole stroy, and I guess no one here really does either, it's that whole reasonable doubt thing. I'd hope you guys wouldn't convict me based on information supplied by the media and instead listened at the trial and determined whether there was reasonable doubt should something like this ever come up. It's incredibly easy to accuse someone of child molestation but pretty hard to actually prove sometimes, or prove you didn't do it. It has an emotional ingredient attatched to it that revolts us to even think about it, so we don't. Then you think well he must be guilty, why else would anyone say that?
I don't like it , but the parents are as much at fault.
They new the reputation of the man, or what ever he is, before
they sent their child to his house for the overnight visit.
They had $$$$ signs in their eyes from the get go.
Only ones who suffered where the children.
The fathers of these kids should be invited to spend the night
with ole Jacko. :angry2:
Overall, I think this is strike two for him. (money talks, he's luckly) It's hard to believe he would have enough cash left for another round of playing big brother in a bad way. Perhaps it's time for him to go into hiding. We'll see.
Did you see what Jay Leno said? Something to the effect of..

"OJ Simpson - Free, Robert Blake - Free, Wynonna Ryder - Free, Kobe Bryant - free and now Michael Jackson - free. How do you think this make Martha Stewart feel?"

Not an exact quote, but it gets the point across.
dubldart340 said:
Did you see what Jay Leno said? Something to the effect of..

"OJ Simpson - Free, Robert Blake - Free, Wynonna Ryder - Free, Kobe Bryant - free and now Michael Jackson - free. How do you think this make Martha Stewart feel?"

Not an exact quote, but it gets the point across.

yea, seems to be ok to kill or rape, but steal someone's money and that's it!
I was driving home from work yesterday when they were getting ready to announce the verdict on the radio. They were talking about how he got the call, but didn't leave the house for 40 minutes. I though to myself, what would his excuse be to the judge this time?

Then it hit me!

I'm sorry Your Honor, I was putting on my face!

bu-dump bump - crash! :hello1:
I think he has definatly done things to kids (he seems to be around them more than women), the only problem is the people in this case were not very believable either. they had a bad rep, kinda like the wendy's lady who found the finger in the chili bowl. But he is definatly a freak who should have never slept with kids. He always says he is reliving his childhood, well this 2nd childhood has lasted longer than any of our childhoods ever did. grow up already
Well, I juss gotta put my 2 centz in this topik, kuz it reely irritate'z me...First, I alwayz git slammed when I back the jurors by find'in MJ innocent...I (az the talk'in juriors) have seen NO convince'in evidence that can Prove(PROVE) the alligations....I do However believe that MJ should be punished for what he dun, because I do believe he haz been in inappropriate relations wit kids, but I also believe the parents should be brought up on charges for pimp'in thier kids for the possible aquisition ov money!!!...MJ haz spent money make'in kids wit cancer an easier life ta live, and kids that visit hiz weird playground, and it may well be for hiz perverted gain, but it may also hiz weird way ov give'in sumpth'in back, that he alwayz wanted when he wuz a kid...Would I send my kid there???...I may, but I would be rite beside him!!!....MJ iz weird, and probally a child molester, but Prosacuters have NO convince'in proof, and that iz very sad.....Sorry, didn't meen to ramble, but U asked, and I answered......

I bet MJ own a FORD!!!!...