MIcrowave "safe" my ***

When I had copper plug wires, non resistor plugs, points distributor and no RF coil condenser nobody could watch TV in my house when the Dart was running!
When I had copper plug wires, non resistor plugs, points distributor and no RF coil condenser nobody could watch TV in my house when the Dart was running!
The local law enforcement, fire department, and ambulance services also had difficulties with things far important than television watching, and you are lucky they did not find (and fine) you.
Jeeezus man - what the hell!!? LOL HOW did you discover this? (he asked with fearful trepidation)

One of my friends had a box of electrolyte and asked me if I could think of anything cool to do with it.
Knowing what electrolyte is and does just kind of begged the question "What would happen if we put 120 volt through it instead of 12?"
I actually expected it to explode from the hydrogen production, but it just boiled violently and created a range of ultra violet light that changed colors like a laser light show, but not in lines like a laser.
Just HUGE waves of multi colored light on all the trees, telephone poles and anything else the pool sides didn't block.
(red, green, blue, yellow, white like welding light)
It cleaned about a 12 foot spot in the bottom of the concrete pool pretty nice. :D
Lol.. guess these could be "micro-wave-aggressions".
I'll never forget when work first brought in a couple microwaves. On lunch one night our material handler on 3rd shift reheated a couple hard boiled eggs that were still in the shell. He peeled the shell off one, sprinkled some salt on it, bit into it, and thing just popped (yes a mini explosion). The look on his face and pieces of egg all over was a real missed Kodak moment. The things you see when you don't have your camera.
One of my friends had a box of electrolyte and asked me if I could think of anything cool to do with it.
Knowing what electrolyte is and does just kind of begged the question "What would happen if we put 120 volt through it instead of 12?"
I actually expected it to explode from the hydrogen production, but it just boiled violently and created a range of ultra violet light that changed colors like a laser light show, but not in lines like a laser.
Just HUGE waves of multi colored light on all the trees, telephone poles and anything else the pool sides didn't block.
(red, green, blue, yellow, white like welding light)
It cleaned about a 12 foot spot in the bottom of the concrete pool pretty nice. :D
sort of like -
- a bud and I were putting a 307 in a Cutlass - bugs were rampant in his garage - "man, how DO we kill these damned things?" - - to which he replies - "you know, carb cleaner and a lighter makes for a great blow torch..." - - baaaboooff... he lit off the first volley and bugs died - "AWESOME!!" - I grabbed a can and baaaboooff - - more bugs died... so here we are, running around inside his garage, flame throwing bugs to death with lighters and cans (oh yea, RELOAD!) of carb cleaner....
...and then... we both went after the same bug.... face to face with a ready to fly flaming carb cleaner shot... AHHHH!!! thankfully, neither of us lit it off - - but that was the moment that umm... got our attention... not as bad as looking down the barrel of a loaded gun, but a pretty damned close second!! LOL
sort of like -
- a bud and I were putting a 307 in a Cutlass - bugs were rampant in his garage - "man, how DO we kill these damned things?" - - to which he replies - "you know, carb cleaner and a lighter makes for a great blow torch..." - - baaaboooff... he lit off the first volley and bugs died - "AWESOME!!" - I grabbed a can and baaaboooff - - more bugs died... so here we are, running around inside his garage, flame throwing bugs to death with lighters and cans (oh yea, RELOAD!) of carb cleaner....
...and then... we both went after the same bug.... face to face with a ready to fly flaming carb cleaner shot... AHHHH!!! thankfully, neither of us lit it off - - but that was the moment that umm... got our attention... not as bad as looking down the barrel of a loaded gun, but a pretty damned close second!! LOL
This post should be in a thread entitled "Having too much Fun".
That could have been really bad.
Glad you both noticed at the last moment!
sort of like -
- a bud and I were putting a 307 in a Cutlass - bugs were rampant in his garage - "man, how DO we kill these damned things?" - - to which he replies - "you know, carb cleaner and a lighter makes for a great blow torch..." - - baaaboooff... he lit off the first volley and bugs died - "AWESOME!!" - I grabbed a can and baaaboooff - - more bugs died... so here we are, running around inside his garage, flame throwing bugs to death with lighters and cans (oh yea, RELOAD!) of carb cleaner....
...and then... we both went after the same bug.... face to face with a ready to fly flaming carb cleaner shot... AHHHH!!! thankfully, neither of us lit it off - - but that was the moment that umm... got our attention... not as bad as looking down the barrel of a loaded gun, but a pretty damned close second!! LOL

Yea, kind of the same idea.
I always tried to err on the side of safety when blowing or burning anything up. :D
Never got hurt to speak of or hurt anyone else either, but I have set off explosions that had the entire town I was in full of cops firetrucks and forest service running around trying to figure out what happened.

One of my favorite explosives for play is Ocy/acet (welding gas)
Just the right mixture and a 10" balloon will crack 4" concrete. :D
I filled a 50 gallon plastic bag with it, and another 50 gallon bag with helium and scotch taped them together.
Then scotch taped about 6 feet of model cannon fuse to the gas bag and took it outside like a party balloon by the fuse, lit it and let it go.

Ever seen a shockwave in the air 200 feet round travel out from a center?
One of my friends called right after that and said his dishes were all rattling in the cupboards and he lived 14 blocks away from where I was.

All in good fun and as safe as I can make it.
oh chit!!!!

Yea, kind of the same idea.
I always tried to err on the side of safety when blowing or burning anything up. :D
Never got hurt to speak of or hurt anyone else either, but I have set off explosions that had the entire town I was in full of cops firetrucks and forest service running around trying to figure out what happened.

One of my favorite explosives for play is Ocy/acet (welding gas)
Just the right mixture and a 10" balloon will crack 4" concrete. :D
I filled a 50 gallon plastic bag with it, and another 50 gallon bag with helium and scotch taped them together.
Then scotch taped about 6 feet of model cannon fuse to the gas bag and took it outside like a party balloon by the fuse, lit it and let it go.

Even seen a shockwave in the air 200 feet round travel out from a center?
One of my friends called right after that and said his dishes were all rattling in the cupboards and he lived 14 blocks away from where I was.

All in good fun and as safe as I can make it.
Yes, I have done that, but on the ground, in a plastic bag , about basketball sized, taped with masking tape to keep it that size, placed in a "40 lb" brown grocery bag, set down and a fuse about 40 feet long of gasoline on the ground.
Most impressive.
It does get attention in a wide area.