
When I was younger, I would get the Ocular migraines quite often. I would have only limited side vision to the point of nausea. I would have to bury my head under pillows for most of the day. No meds would help....We eventually figured out there was a pinched nerve in my neck. I visited a chiropractor for quite a while, but i have been migraine free ever since. That was about 14 years ago. I guess all those stupid stunts I did on my bike did do some damage!:eek:ops:
I get them every month or two. My trick is to drop 2 Advil 200mg as soon as I get that feeling in my head. Starts off as a light headache and sometimes stupidly I think thats all its gonna be and wait. Then its too late..... I need total darkness, total quiet and total peace.......... and about 6 more Advil 200mg. Then once it kicks in I'm good, but need some rest to recover. Its really bad when it happens at work, I always keep a bottle in my truck just in case. There have been times I drove home with one hand over one eye crying and trying to make home to my cave!

My Mom says my Grandpa would get the same kind of headaches I get, but maybe worse. She said he was cured once he stopped working, so I'm looking forward to retirement in more ways than one.

Good luck and I hope you quickly find what you need to remedy your particular type of pain.
not sure if my problem is a migraine or not but i have a shooting pain in the left side of my head from time to time ..when it happen i have to close my eyes and about cry cause it hurts so bad...never thought about it could be something you drink or eat...but man it really hurts and last about 3/5 mins and gone til the next time...some times its a few times a week then some time i go mths and no problem...

For what it's worth, whenever I eat something that I'm allergic or intollerant to, my headaches range from mild to kinda bad and can get me feeling sick, but last from several hours to a day or more. But that's just me. Different things affect different people in different ways. If you can find a food pattern associated with the pain, it "might" be food related. My food-related symtoms, if I understand it correctly, seem to need time to be flushed out of my system. But I would definitely get your problem checked out. Strange that it only lasts for a few minutes.
They use to incapacitate me. I have a less streesful job now and gave up coffee and haven't had one since. Knock on wood.