mikebee apology!!!



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
mikebee, I owe you a huge apology. When we argued about those bearing retainers that I have in MY OWN shop, I was 100% wrong. I said both the retainers in the pic were the same bolt pattern, you said they were not. You were right and I am sorry.

In my defense, where my confusion came from was, the one with the small bolt pattern IS a 5.125" retainer. THAT'S what I got hung up on. I knew there was something oddball about it and that was it. Big retainer, small bolt pattern. My apologies, mike. I had my head up my ***. Kinda normal.
See this is why i like you, facts are facts and we get them right and then move on!
Thanks. I took a overdose of stupid pills that day I guess. Hell, I always have half of one in my system all the time.
Stand up thing to do right there.. being able to admit when your wrong, apologize, get the info right, and move on... you have just helped restore my faith in humanity (at least a little of it)
no problem rusty....i just wanted to get the right info out there for nubee's.
when i started out with my challenger any onfo i got needed to be spot on because my mickey dee's paycheck wasn't hittin on much.
