Minnesota Dragways Resurrection?



Proud Member
Jan 7, 2009
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I've heard some rumors Minnesota Dragways is going to make a comeback. I've heard possible locations are Medord, Fairbault, and the Midway. This would make many a racers happy, including me! BIR is too far and Rockfalls,WI and Cedar Falls, IA make a lengthy trip as well. If anyone knows anything more let me know! :cheers:
We NEED another 1/4 mile track. BIR is nice but its a haul to get up there.
That rumor has been floating around for years. There are some people trying to get it up and running, but they haven't been to successful. I think they got the land, but I heard they have been having trouble trying to get insurance, but I dont know for sure what the hang up is. It would be nice though.
with all the complaints and problems with street racing you think they would open one up around here! Down in Chicago they have a street race night that you can run another racer for...PRIDE $$$$$ and they do not display e-t or mph just a win light. you be set out lengths, get the leave etc..If we had that here it would standing room only! But I do not think we will see any thing like in the near future...Too many whiners in this state!
Trust me when I tell you,there are alot of tree hugging dykes that would rather have another pride parade,:love7::love7: than a track near this city.
I would be more than happy to cut down on the size of the new Twins stadium to fund a new national level strip. I wonder if we could get some kind of governement funding with the new bailout package?