Minor Ebay Problem

Uh ya , I've bought several items from ebay and been charged more than "actual shipping" , none of those sellers offered me any refund .
we all get jerked around by holes but we don't go online asking permission to be a hole, you know your asking to do wrong or you wouldn't be asking you just want us to ease your conscience and tell you it's ok well it's not the people here send money on faith all the time i've had people offer to send me parts upfront and wait for my payment just to make sure I receive them here in Canada thats the kind of people that are on this site and if your not that way maybe you should look somewhere else

P.S. sorry to everyone else but this kind of crap urks me{If you can't tell lol}
Sounds like you are trying to talk us into saying "it's ok to keep the money" Sorry, I like to play fair, and if others are overcharging for shipping, please let us know. That way ,we can avoid them.

The money has already been sent back , I was only looking for opinions on the situation because it was the first time I've had something like this come up so don't go confusing opinion with permission . Trust me I've lost far more on shipping than I've won but that's just part of buying and selling on line . By the way when do I get my $3500 , I've got a few parts I'd like to order !
Morally, give the money back.............., it looks like a pretty big error. However...... as a buyer, when I make a deal to buy and its done......it's done!!! I made my deal upfront, knowing full well what the costs were going to be. As a buyer I suck it up, I don't even look at what it cost to ship when it shows up, whether the shipper won or lost on their quote.......I don't care, I took the deal............! Paid up and don't expect a refund.......if I do not like the terms I do not buy or re-negotiate after the purchase. The buyer has an obligation to get the facts up front, make an informed decision, and then be prepared to follow through with the deal negotiated.
P.S. For what its worth, shipping & handling costs are getting so stupid these days that I've trimmed back a LOT on my purchases for those reasons.:-(