Mix Up.....



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Franklin, Pa.

I ordered a new Minn Kota (50 ) tolling motor from Cabela's on Friday ...look what they sent me !!!! That's right (6 ) snow goose decoys ??? That all taken care of and I'll have my motor on Thursday... The funny thing was that inside the box was my invoice for the motor.

man someone was having a bad day
Had to have been sent out on friday!! :drinkers:
make sure there is nothing in the decoy's
You could be a rich or in trouble.
do you use the trolling moter for goose hunting. :-k
memike.1 said:
Had to have been sent out on friday!! :drinkers:
make sure there is nothing in the decoy's
You could be a rich or in trouble.
do you use the trolling moter for goose hunting. :-k
Good one... don't do any goose hunting... Anyway they're on the way back, UPS just picked them.

OldVart said:
I wouldn't even be able to find those decoys here this morning - major blizzard blowin' through.
Snowing and blowing here nothing to bad yet....they say maybe by next week winter will really set in.... With hunting season over I don't care if it never shows up !!!
Right where I live we're just on the Southeast edge of the blizzard, so other folks are getting it much worse than us. We're supposed to get up to 10" of snow today, and the temps will keep falling from -12C this morning to -24C by tomorrow morning. With the wind chill factor tomorrow morning they are forecasting -40 and that the same in C or F degrees. :) Brrrrrrrrr...
jeessss that's cold Sid, :blob:

A littel CC might worm thing's up some,
Yall take care of your self and the 4 leger's
Funny, that reminded me of when I used to sell home audio. I had a custome bring in his speaker that he just bought. When he opened the box, there was a large butcher knife and a bananna molded into that spray in foam material. It was funny because it looked like someone lost the contents of their lunch box in that package.
Coyote Jack said:
You just keep it out there Sid. We have not seen any sign of winter here yet. The lakes aren't even frozen yet.


Jack, go pee up a rope and suck the salty end. :toothy7: :toothy7:
No winter - who ever heard of such a thing in the Maritimes? :scratch:
When I got my moose about a month ago it was a fine sunny Saturday and -22C, with the old Jeep Cherokee working her a$$ off just to make it cross the fields through the snow. By the time I'd field cleaned and quartered Bullwinkle, the bottom of the legs were already frozen solid. :sad:
By the sounds of things, the rope would be frozen stiff out there Sid. This is 2 years in a row without much winter here. If this is global warming, bring it on. LOL

I was wondering how you did moose hunting. So, what did you get? Any pics?

You're absolutely right on the frozen rope. :) Yea, you folks have been doing really well down there for the past couple of years, and (no pun intended) mopower to ya'.

I think I have a couple of pics of this year's winner at home. My buddy, a transplanted N.B'er by the way, has been in and out of hospital for the past 6 months so I took his 17 years old son out with me this year for some training. Read: "Get skinnin' kid, it's too damned cold for me." I had the choice of a little 3 yr old, which I took, or a big old mossy horned bugger, that I had to let step out of the way before I could get a good shot at the young'un. Can you say "TENDER MEAT"? If the weather would ever smarten up a little, I still have to take the kid out for another one. If it doesn't change pretty soon we won't be able to tell the cows from the bulls. :)